
Elden Ring Spirit Calling Bell – Summoning Bell
The Elden Ring Spirit Calling Bell aka summoning bell, is a special item that is necessary to summon spirits through ashes. As is the case with pretty much everything in this game, you’re gonna have to jump through a couple of hoops before you can get it. We’ll lay out the whole process in this…

Elden Ring Best Shield in Early Game, Beast Crest Heater Shield Location
In Elden Ring, finding the best equipment at any given moment will be of utmost importance if you are planning on making any progress. And…

Elden Ring Pot Boy Location
The Elden Ring Pot Boy location is the place where you can find one of the more curious NPCs in the game, Alexander Iron Fist….

Elden Ring How to Kill the Giant at Stormgate
If you’re having trouble figuring out how to kill the giant at Stormgate in Elden Ring, you’re not alone. It’s a rough fight, especially this…

Open Door in Tombsward Catacombs Elden Ring Locked by Some Contraption
To open the Elden Ring Tombsward Catacombs door locked by some contraption, you’ll have to find the proper lever. On the bright side, said lever…

Remove White Fog Barrier in Elden Ring
If you want to remove a white fog barrier in Elden Ring, you’re first gonna need a specific item – Stonesword Key. You’ll come across…

Elden Ring Co Op, How to Summon Friends & Offer Help
In our Elden Ring Co Op, How to Summon Friends & Offer Help guide, we’re going to be covering a number of important points. First…

Elden Ring Best Beginner Class, Easiest Starting Class
If Elden Ring is your first time playing a Soulsborne game, you are probably wondering what’s the best class for beginners in Elden Ring. Let’s…

Elden Ring Golden Seed Locations, Increase Number of Flask Uses
Where to find Golden Seeds in Elden Ring will be one of the most commonly asked questions while playing the game. This consumable item grants…

Use main gate or not Elden Ring Stormveil Castle
Should you enter Elden Ring’s Stormveil Castle through the main gate or use the nearby opening? Seasoned Dark Souls players know that behind every choice…

Accept or Refuse Melina Elden Ring Choice
The accept or refuse Melina Elden Ring choice is one of the most important choices in the game. Basically, it’s the difference between a normal…

How to Dismount in Elden Ring
Knowing how to dismount in Elden Ring can make a huge difference in your gameplay experience; as in, it can mean the difference between life…

How to Get Mount in Elden Ring
If you’re wondering how to get a mount in Elden Ring, you’ve come to the right place. There are several issues here. First off, you…

Elden Ring Best Keepsake to Choose at Start
The best Elden Ring keepsake to choose at the start is, in our estimation, the one that is gonna make the game easier, at least…

How to Get More Neutral Element Destiny 2
Knowing how to farm Neutral Element in Destiny 2 The Witch Queen is essential if you want to progress through the campaign and craft some…

Destiny 2 Marmot Error Code Fix
Destiny 2 is a game that regularly receives huge seasonal updates and gigantic expansions. As such, the game’s local client is constantly being updated, which…

Osteo Striga Missing Witch Queen Deluxe Edition
The Deluxe Edition of Destiny 2 The Witch Queen comes packed with a few extra goodies, including the Osteo Striga exotic SMG. Despite these items…

How to Select Legendary Campaign Witch Queen Destiny 2
Destiny 2 The Witch Queen expansion is finally here and it comes stacked with new content. Seasoned Destiny 2 players will immediately want to experience…

Destiny 2 is at capacity & PS4 Download Problem
After a few delays, Destiny 2 The Witch Queen expansion is finally here. The maintenance is completed, and tens of thousands of fans are rushing…

Destiny 2 Black Screen on Launch after The Witch Queen Update
Destiny 2 The Witch Queen is now live on all platforms. Nonetheless, as it usually goes with big online updates and releases, there are some…