
Elden Ring Lhutel the Headless Summon Location

Knowing where to find Lhutel the Headless in Elden Ring is good information to have if you want to be aided by one of the best Legendary Summon Ashes in the early game. You’ll use it to summon the spirit of Lhutel the Headless, which will attack your enemies with spectral lances. As a new…


Thy Creature is in Early Access on Steam

If you have been on the lookout for something that incorporates a dark fantasy adventure novel, puzzles and bullet hell (perhaps a bit of an…

Elden Ring Raging Wolf Armor

The Raging Wolf Armor in Elden Ring is one of the hottest pieces of gear for players seeking a reliable mid-game armour set. Known as…

Elden Ring How to Backstab

Knowing and practicing how to backstab in Elden Ring is going to make all of the difference in your experience. Properly executing backstabs will allow…

Elden Ring White Screen Crash Fix

Elden Ring has finally launched, and fans and critics alike almost unanimously agree that the game is an instant classic. Unfortunately, the same can not…