
Elden Ring Jellyfish Summon

Elden Ring Jellyfish Summon

Jellyfish summon in Elden Ring is one of many Spirit Ashes summons. Spirit Ashes are a new gameplay mechanic in Elden Ring, allowing players to summon various spirits to aid them in combat. You’ll call upon creatures and fallen warriors with all kinds of abilities. The Jellyfish Summon is rather slow but able to soak…


Elden Ring Sacred Tear Locations

Aside from being a mechanically demanding game, Elden Ring requires impeccable resource management. In Elden Ring, your Hit Points (HP) and Focus Points (FP) are…

Elden Ring Lanya Location

The Elden Ring Lanya location is the place where you can find the servant of Diallos from Roundtable Hold. You first learn about her when…

Thy Creature is in Early Access on Steam

If you have been on the lookout for something that incorporates a dark fantasy adventure novel, puzzles and bullet hell (perhaps a bit of an…

Elden Ring Raging Wolf Armor

The Raging Wolf Armor in Elden Ring is one of the hottest pieces of gear for players seeking a reliable mid-game armour set. Known as…

Elden Ring How to Backstab

Knowing and practicing how to backstab in Elden Ring is going to make all of the difference in your experience. Properly executing backstabs will allow…