

Elden Ring Deathroot Locations

Key Items are a special category of items in Elden Ring. These items are used to progress through the game, unlock new areas, solve quests,…

Elden Ring Upgrade Ashes

Elden Ring provides you with a lot of options on how you want to handle combat. The usual trinity of melee, ranged, and magic are…

Elden Ring Jellyfish Summon

Jellyfish summon in Elden Ring is one of many Spirit Ashes summons. Spirit Ashes are a new gameplay mechanic in Elden Ring, allowing players to…

Elden Ring Sacred Tear Locations

Aside from being a mechanically demanding game, Elden Ring requires impeccable resource management. In Elden Ring, your Hit Points (HP) and Focus Points (FP) are…

Elden Ring Lanya Location

The Elden Ring Lanya location is the place where you can find the servant of Diallos from Roundtable Hold. You first learn about her when…