
Diablo Immortal Demonic Remains, Chaos Herald Pyl Bug Fix

Diablo Immortal Demonic Remains, Chaos Herald Pyl Bug Fix

Once you unlock the Helliquary during the main Bilefen questline in Diablo Immortal, one of the first boss raids you’ll need to complete is against Chaos Herald Pyl. The Helliquary opens up the ability for players to join forces and take on powerful demon bosses. Defeating them will yield plentiful rewards, namely their Demonic Remains…


Ms Marvel Release Date & Time

Ms Marvel Release Date & Time

Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, the Hulk – all of these are superheroes with decades of history behind them. In fact, most superheroes that we know of…

Clash Royale Balance Changes November 2023

Early Clash Royale balance changes for November 2023 have been revealed. They are introducing refinements to ten different cards, such as Knight Evolution, Skeletons Evolution,…