
ark fjordur congealed gas balls

Ark Fjordur Congealed Gas Balls

Knowing how to get Ark Fjordur Congealed Gas Balls is going to become important at one point. It’s is a valuable crafting material, used to make pieces of the Hazard Suit, Charge Batteries, Charge Lanterns, and more. Unfortunately, it’s not super-easy to figure out how to efficiently farm this particular material. That’s why we’ve written…


Link Fall Guys to Epic Games Account

Hilarious Battle Royale game Fall Guys recently became a free-to-play title. After Epic Games acquired Fall Guys developer Mediatonic, they announced that the game would…

Fall Guys Invite Not Working Fix

With the transition to a F2P model, Fall Guys have just received an army of new players. In addition, the game is now available on…

Change Name in Fall Guys

If you’re having trouble figuring out how to change your name in Fall Guys, you’re not the only one. Unlike many similar games, Fall Guys…

Valorant Episode 5 Act 1 Release Time

Valorant Episode 5 Act 1 Release Time

When does the new Valorant act start? Valorant Episode 5 Act 1 is finally here and it comes with a bunch of new content. Although…