
Tower of Fantasy Steam & Epic Release Date

Tower of Fantasy Steam & Epic Release Date

Tower of Fantasy is an MMORPG that’s been drawing comparisons to Genshin Impact in terms of style and gameplay. While both are gacha games, the big difference between them is that Genshin is high fantasy, while Tower of Fantasy is more science fiction-based. ToF can be played on Android and iOS devices and on the…


Cross Summoner R Tier List

Cross Summoner: R is a mobile RPG title that was recently released. As a gacha game, it is filled with all sorts of characters –…

Forza 5 Practical Metal Treasure Hunt

It’s Thursday, and you know what that means. That’s right, it’s time for another Forza Horizon 5 Treasure Hunt! As you know, these challenges are…

CS:GO Trust Factor Low Explained

If you need your low CS:GO Trust Factor explained, or just the concept of the Trust Factor in general, you’ve come to the right place….