
Splatoon 3 Conch Shell Use & How to Get

Splatoon 3 Conch Shell Use & How to Get

Splatoon 3 is definitely a Splatoon game. Bright, action-packed, fun, and colorful. And while it sticks very closely to the established Splatoon gameplay formula, it does do a couple of things differently from its predecessors. One of these new gameplay elements is Conch Shells. But what are Conch Shells for in Splatoon 3? Well, if…


Best Ban Pick Deck Clash Royale

It’s time for a new challenge in Clash Royale. The Ban Pick Challenge, to be more precise. As its name suggests, this challenge has some…

Fall Guys Down? Check Server Status

Fall Guys Down? Check Server Status

Are the Fall Guys servers currently down? Fall Guys, the adorably cute and addictively fun platformer, has just gone free-to-play alongside its release on Xbox…