
Ability Patch Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Not sure where to find an Ability Patch in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? We’ve got you covered! The Ability Patch is one of the newest items in the series. Introduced in Generation VIII, this item allows a Pokemon to unlock its Hidden Ability. This Hidden Ability replaces one of its standard abilities. In this guide,…

Assault Vest Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Assault Vest is an item that you can give a Pokemon to hold. It grants the wearer a boost to…

How to Extract Hard Drives and Bandages DMZ Warzone 2
In Cod: Warzone 2, Data Collection and Health Conscious are some of the first missions that you’re going to have access to. Both of them…

Thunderbolt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
The Thunderbolt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet TM is one of the more powerful Electric-type attacks. Therefore, it’s pretty expensive to craft, and relatively difficult to…

DMZ Storm the Stronghold Not Working Bug Solution
Storm the Stronghold is a Warzone 2 mission that can be very difficult to solve. Not only does it consist of three complicated and hard…

Earthquake Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
The Earthquake Pokemon Scarlet and Violet TM is pretty powerful. Therefore, getting it is a little bit tricky. You need to find the right NPC,…

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Auto Battles Not Working Explained
There are some Trainers experiencing problems with Auto Battles not working in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. There are actually several possible causes for this, and…

WH40K Darktide Warp Battery Penance Bugged, Not Working Fix
If you can’t complete the Warp Battery penance for Psyker in Darktide, you should know that this is a widespread issue. Warhammer 40,000: Darktide’s pre-order…

DMZ Team Player, Request to Join with 2 Nearby Enemy Operators
Not sure how to complete the “Team Player” Black Mous mission in MW2 DMZ? In Warzone 2’s Tarkov-like mode, players are presented with a series…

Valheim Mistlands Egg Hatching Explained
If you need the Valheim Mistlands Egg hatching explained, you’ve come to the right place. It’s a new mechanic, so it’s fine if you need…

Merge Mansion Pumpkin Pie Slice & Pumpkin Spice Cake
The Merge Mansion Pumpkin Pie Slice and Pumpkin Spice Cake are items that you can merge during the Thanksgiving 2022 event. In fact, they’re necessary…

Merge Mansion Thanksgiving Table
The Merge Mansion Thanksgiving Table is one of many, many items that you can merge and create in the Thanksgiving 2022 event. There are two…

Shiny Solgaleo and Lunala Pokemon GO 2022
If you want to know whether you can get a shiny Solgaleo and Lunala in Pokemon GO in 2022, you have come to the right…

Pokemon GO Solgaleo or Lunala Choice
The Pokemon GO Solgaleo or Lunala choice is a pretty tough one to make. Trainers can only have one Cosmog, and therefore one Cosmoem. Therefore,…

Brawlhalla Legends With Bot in Their Bot Name
One of the challenges in Brawlhalla requires you to win matches as Legends with “bot” in their bot name. While this may seem very straightforward,…

MW3 Beta Puget Altus Error, Connection Failed Fix
Are you receiving the Connection Failed Puget-Altus error in the Modern Warfare 3 Beta? And while many are already enjoying the game, many others are…

Warzone 2 Error Code 2012 Fix
If you are looking for how to fix the Warzone 2 2012 Error Code, you’ve come to the right place! Warzone 2 has been out…

Neural Cloud Tier List
Neural Cloud is a new game with stunning anime graphics and addicting gameplay. Of course, since it is a gacha game, there are many characters…

Merge Mansion Thanksgiving Couch
The Merge Mansion Thanksgiving Couch is one of many, many items that you can get in the Merge Mansion Thanksgiving 2022 event. This item is…

Merge Mansion Keepsake Box Full of Secrets
In our Merge Mansion Keepsake Box Full of Secrets guide, we are going to show you how to get the Keepsake Box in the Thanksgiving…