Original Diablo Now Available for Purchase on GOG
Diablo is now available to buy on GOG.com. You can play it either in the original version, or an updated version, compatible with Windows 10. All that for a mere $9.99. If you ask me, the authentic, 1996 Diablo is where it’s at. Not that I won’t check out the new one, what with its high-resolution support and bug fixes.

You young whippersnappers don’t know how good you have it. When we wanted to play an RPG, we had to do with grainy, isometric demon-slaying! Uphill, in the snow, both ways! And we liked it! Yes, indeed; even if, by comparison, Diablo doesn’t look like much nowadays, back in it’s heyday, it was the undisputed champion of dungeon-crawling, loot-grinding, action-RPG goodness. In fact, it’s the granddaddy of all RPGs, one can easily argue (not counting text-based games, which are so antediluvian that hardly anyone remembers them). Diablo is a valuable piece of gaming history, and as such, I’d say every gamer should at least give it a spin at some point.
And, wouldn’t you know it, CDPR’s store, GOG.com, has stepped up to the plate. They are now offering the digital version of Diablo, for a mere ten bucks. The game is “lovingly preserved in its original form or with host of updates.” You can either play it the way we did, aka the “authentic 1996 version,” featuring “period-appropriate 20 FPS SVGA graphics and Battle.net® multiplayer.” Alternatively, there’s the updated version, which offers “Win 10 compatibility, bug fixes and high-resolution support.”
And, of course, it comes with all the perks that GOG.com offers, including being DRM-free. So, if you want to play a veritable classic (and on the cheap, at that), head over to GOG and snag yourself a digital copy of Diablo. In my humble opinion, it’s well worth ten dollars. Step into the 20 FPS version of Hell, and get your demon killing on.