Mortal Kombat 11 Launch Trailer is Everything Fans Could Want
The new trailer for Mortal Kombat 11, known simply as the launch trailer, is the realization of all of my dreams as a Mortal Kombat fanboy since the very beginning of the franchise. Since time travel is a major element of MK11, we get to see a lot of the old favorites, the very beginnings of the tournament that we all know and love, and the return of the Mortal Kombat theme.

If all the promo material that NetherRealm Studios has been releasing hasn’t convinced you about Mortal Kombat 11, then the recently released launch trailer just might. They’ve pulled all the stops here, really hitting on the nostalgia angle they’ve opened for themselves with the time-travelling shenanigans. Want to see Scorpion and Sub-Zero work together? You’ve got it. Wanna see Noob Saibot confront Sub Zero in a brother-on-brother battle? It’s there. How about the recreation of the original tournament that started it all, but now with Cassie Cage and Jacqui Briggs? You bet your buttcheeks it’s there.
Mortal Kombat 11 is also going to see the return of a bunch of old characters that we’ve lost along the way, like Noob Saibot, Shao Kahn, Jade, Kabal, and so many more. Plus, the video also features Sheeva, which is interesting, as well as banter between young and old Johnny Cage, which I can never get enough of. And to top it all off, they put in a brand new remix of the Mortal Kombat theme from the movie. Oh, WB and NetherRealm, you sly dogs. Oh, and something something Kronika and other new characters, who cares.
I’m not gonna lie, this new launch trailer is getting to me. I’ve promised myself I wasn’t going to purchase my own copy of Mortal Kombat 11 until I saw what the game was like, and the contents of the DLCs. And now they serve me this nostalgia one-two punch, and I feel my resolve slipping. Either way, I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Mortal Kombat 11 is coming out next week, on April 23rd, on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch. You have a couple of days left to pre-order and get to play as Shao Kahn.