Hindsight 20/20 Is a Choice-Based Action Game from Bioware Veterans
Hindsight 20/20 is the brain child of Triple-I Games, a studio comprised of veteran designers from Bioware and Arena.net, who have worked on the likes of Star Wars The Old Republic and Guild Wars 2. It’s an action-adventure game, the core of which are the consequences of your choices.

So, as I’ve said, the main hook of the game are the choices you make and the consequences thereof. This comes both from the dialogue options, but also what you choose to fight with. You can opt to fight with a sword or a stun baton. The way you choose to fight will change how other characters choose to treat your character, Jehan, as well as the enemies. They will fight much more desperately and fiercely if they know their lives are in danger. It seems to me like these choices you get are pretty black-and-white, but oh well.
The world of Hindsight sounds kinda interesting, though. So, there’s the town of Champaner, and they hold life above everything else (hence the option of non-lethal combat). Then a virus starts turning people into monsters, the Raakshasas. So, the king orders the round-up and killing of Raakshasas. Their leader, Seth, runs away and forms a new town, Gibsonia, which is a safe haven for the “monsters”. And, in the middle of all this is Jehan, our one-armed protagonist, whose father is killed. From then on, it’s up to you to decide what kind of person Jehan will be, and where his journey will take him.
Hindsight 20/20 doesn’t have a set launch date as of writing this article. All we know is that we can expect it some time in, well, 2020. We do, however, know that you’ll be able to play it on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Mac, and Nintendo Switch. And, in the meantime, you can check out the trailer below to see for yourself what the game is all about. Let’s just hope that the shaky-cam is just for the trailer.