Heroes of the Storm Balance Changes 2.26.1 for June 2017
Heroes of the Storm 2.26.1 balance changes are live, just at the start of the summer event. Lots of heroes got the well-deserved nerfs, due to their overpowered state, and Genji and Malthael got it worst. The two warriors on the list suffered additional stats changes, while most of the classes are getting their abilities and some talents tweaked.

The balance changes deliver a blow to five assassins (Genji, Malthael, Thrall, Zeratul, Zul’jin), two specialists (Medivh, Probius), four supports (Brightwing, Lucio, Tassadar, Uther) and two warriors (Dehaka, D.Va). These changes leave Brightwing and Tassadar as the most updated heroes this time around.
As always, the full patch notes, including bug fixes that are not posted here, can be found on the official page. As of the heroes balance changes, here they are:
Genji Talents
- Level 4
- Shuriken Mastery (Q) – Bonus damage reduced from 30 to 25
- Dragon Claw (Active) – Damage required reduced from 375 to 330 / Damage dealt increased from 180 to 190
- Level 7
- Dodge (Passive) – Cooldown increased from 8 to 12 seconds
Malthael Abilities and Talents
- Tormented Souls (R) – Cooldown increased from 80 to 100 seconds
- Level 4
- Throwing Shade (E) – Cooldown reduction increased from 2 to 4 seconds / Added functionality: Now also reduces the Mana cost of Death Shroud on quest completion from 50 to 25
- Level 13
- Ethereal Existence (Trait) – Armor reduced from 15 to 10 per Hero hit / Maximum Armor bonus increased from 45 to 50
- Inevitable End (Active) – Cooldown reduced from 30 to 20 seconds
- Level 16
- Memento Mori (Trait) – Damage bonus reduced from 100% to 80%
- Level 20
- Reaper of Souls (R) – Added functionality: Now passively increases the duration of Tormented Souls by 1 second
Thrall Abilities and Talents
- Frostwolf Resilience (Trait) – Heal amount increased from 210 to 223
- Level 1
- Rolling Thunder (Q) – Mana return increased from 10 to 12
- Level 4
- Feral Resilience (W) – New functionality: Heroes hit by Feral Spirit grant Thrall 3 charges of Frostwolf Resilience
- Level 13
- Spirit Shield (Passive) – Cooldown reduction per Frostwolf Resilience stack increased from 5 to 8 seconds
- Level 20
- Wind Rush (Active) – Cooldown increased from 70 to 80 seconds
Zeratul Talents
- Level 16
- Sentenced to Death (W) – Bonus damage decreased from 50% to 40%
Zul’jin Abilities and Talents
- Guillotine (R) – Base damage increased from 210 to 350 / Damage multiplier at extremely low health decreased from 500% to 300%
- Level 20
- Ensnare (Active) – Range increased from 7.8 to 10 / Cooldown reduced from 60 to 45 seconds / Duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds
Medivh Talents
- Level 7
- Raven Familiar (E) – Ravens created by this talent will now only attack Heroic targets
Probius Abilities
- Pylon Overcharge (R) – No longer gives Pylons bonus Health
Brightwing Abilities and Talents
- Pixie Dust (E) – Movement Speed duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds / No longer grants Block charges / New functionality: Grants 30 Spell Armor for 3 seconds Talents
- Level 13
- Shield Dust (E) – Added functionality: Pixie Dust also grants 50 Physical Armor for the duration
Lúcio Abilities and Talents
- Healing Boost (W) – Amp it Up Healing increased from 14.5 to 15.5
- Level 16
- Up the Frequency (E) – Cooldown per Basic Attack increased from .35 to .45 seconds
Tassadar Abilities and Talents
- Plasma Shield (Q) – Lifesteal amount reduced from 45% to 40%
- Level 1
- Khaydarin Resonance (Q) – First unlock shield value bonus increased from 15% to 20% / Second unlock shield bonus increased from 30% to 40%
- Templar’s Will (Passive) – Damage bonus of first quest unlock reduced from 150% to 125%
- Level 4
- Khala’s Embrace (Q) – Life steal amount reduced from 90% to 75%
Uther Talents
- Level 1
- Hammer of the Lightbringer (E) – Cooldown reduction per Basic Attack increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds
- Level 4
- Pursuit of Justice (E) – Movement Speed increased from 20% to 25%
- Level 7
- Guardian of Ancient Kings (Trait) – Armor reduced from 75 to 50
- Level 16
- Benediction (Active) – Cooldown increased from 40 to 60 seconds
D.Va Stats and Talents
- Mech Basic Attack Damage reduced from 22.5 to 21 / Mech Health reduced from 2060 to 2000 / Mech Health Regeneration reduced from 4.86 to 4.17
- Level 1
- Hit the Nitrous (Q) – Damage bonus reduced from 100% to 50%
Dehaka Stats, Abilities and Talents
- Basic Attack damage reduced from 110 to 105
- Brushstalker (Z) – Cooldown increased from 50 to 60 seconds
- Level 13
- Ferocious Stalker (W) – New functionality: Increase the damage of Dark Swarm by 40% while the Brushstalker buff is active
There are many reasons to play Heroes of the Storm in the coming weeks. Along with these balance changes, the players can participate in the big summer event “Sun’s Out, Guns Out” and win lots of cool prizes, try out the brand new brawl Pull Party, and lots more. Have fun, sweepstakes!