Grenade Launcher Battlefield 2042 - How to Use Underbarrel Grenade Launcher
If you want to know how to use the Battlefield 2042 underbarrel grenade launcher, you’ve come to the right place, and you’re also not the only one. Firing the grenade attachment should be pretty easy, since you kinda need to have quick access to it in the heat of a gun battle. Well, as it turns out, the commands are a little bit… unexpected, shall we say. It really is no surprise that a lot of players are having trouble with this. So, here’s our Grenade Launcher Battlefield 2042 – How to Use Underbarrel Grenade Launcher guide to help you out.

How to Use Underbarrel Grenade Launcher Battlefield 2042
To use the Battlefield 2042 underbarrel grenade launcher attachment, you need to press down on the d-pad if you’re on consoles and the X button on PC. The catch is that you can’t be aiming when you’re doing it. If you’re aiming, you can’t fire the grenade launcher attachment. I don’t know why they have chosen to make it work this way, but they did, and we all just kinda have to deal with it. So, stop aiming, and then press down on the d-pad to fire the grenade attachment if you’re playing on consoles, or hit X if you’re on PC. Again, random choice there, but what can you do? Well, I mean, you can always rebind the key to something else that might be more comfortable for you.
Now that you know how to use the underbarrel grenade launcher attachment in Battlefield 2042, some of you might be wondering why it’s so important in the first place. Well, firing the grenade attachment lets you do a ton of damage, plus the added benefit of the blast covering a fairly decent area. On top of that, you can always follow it up with shooting the gun which you’ve attached it to in the first place. It’s great as an opener for a gun battle, for example. And that’s about all we have for you in this guide. If you need help with anything else, check out some of our other Battlefield 2042 guides, like Attachments Not Unlocking Bug Fix and How To Hold Breath With Sniper Scope Zoom.