GOG Summer Sale Kicks Off, Rewards First Purchase With Freebie
It’s that time of year again, and by that time, we mean deep discount days. The Adventurous Summer Sale on GOG has started, and there are over 1500 discounted games on offer. There’s also a new batch of games eligible for GOG Connect, as well as a free game to go along with your first purchase. To top it off, there are some great collections curated by press and influencers, to help you find what you didn’t know your were looking for.

There’s a meta-game in there, too, with a story about Mystery Island, saving the world and shopping. What’s important, though, are the cheap games. The discounts go up to -90%, and you’ll get a free copy of Rebel Galaxy with your first purchase. It’s a Firefly-’em-up that sees you captain a spaceship and choose your own space destiny. We haven’t tried it, but we’ve heard good things.
As for the discounts, well, there’s a bunch of great new stuff on sale, as well as a bunch of great old stuff. If you’re looking to catch up with recent games, you can snag The Witcher 3, Stardew Valley, Shadow Warrior 2, Torment: Tides of Numenera, The Witness and such. If it’s gaping holes in your gaming education you’d like to plug, there’s Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines, the X-COMs of old, Grim Fandango, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Quake 3, Dungeon Keeper, Baldur’s Gate, Caesar 3, and so on. You get the point. There’s really a lot of games on sale. And a lot of them are damn fine.
GOG Connect is back as well, letting you redeem games from your Steam account. There are 40 titles in this batch, including Frozen Synapse, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, La-Mulana, Time Gentlemen Please and more. It’s a great way to get DRM-free versions of games you already own, and maybe try using something other than Steam a bit. Remember, monopoly is bad for everyone.
You have until June 20th to buy whatever you like, which is when the sale will end, and all those discounts will be lost forever. Or until next year.