Free Fire MAX OB36 Advance Server Registration, APK Download
Looking for the Free Fire Advance Server OB36 download link? The Garena Free Fire Advance Server registration (OB36 update) is now open for all players who want to participate in testing the latest update for their favourite battle royale title. In this guide, you’ll learn how to get the activation code for the Free Fire MAX OB36 Advance Server APK file, download it, install it on your phone, and play on the FF MAX OB36 Advance Server.

How to Register for Free Fire OB36 Advance Server
The registration for the Garena FF Max OB36 Advance Server activation code has been open for quite a while now. If you want to secure your place in the testing phase and get your activation code for the Advance Server (OB36 update), then make sure to complete the procedure below before the registration ends. You will have an opportunity to register until September 1st, after which the registration will be closed, and Advance Server will go live. Here’s how to register and get the activation code:
- Open your preferred browser.
- Head to the official Free Fire Advance Server website.
- Log in using Google or Facebook account.
- Complete the questionnaire by answering the questions.
- Click on the “Submit” button and that’s it, you are now registered!
Free Fire OB36 Advance Server APK Download Link
Following your successful registration, you will be allowed to download the Advance Server starting from September 1st. If you want to start playing the FF OB36 Advance Server as soon as it becomes available, just follow these few simple steps explained below:
- Use the mobile device where you want to play the game.
- Head to the official Free Fire Advance Server website.
- Log in by using your Facebook or Google account.
- Tap on a download button to download the APK file
- Install the Free Fire OB36 Advance Server
- You will soon receive an activation code
- Launch the game and sign in with your Facebook account or Google account.
And that’s it, you can now play on the Advance Server and playtest all the new features ahead of the FF MAX OB36 official release later in September. One more note, when you install the Advance Server, you don’t need to delete the regular version of the game, they act as separate apps.