F1 22 EGO Dumper Crash Fix
Is F1 22 constantly crashing with the EGO Dumper error message? F1 22 has now been launched globally, and while the game brings many new features, unfortunately, it has also come with some familiar problems. Veteran F1 players know that one of the most annoying issues with previous releases was the good old EGO Dumper crash and error message. Is there something you can do to fix this? Here’s what we know about the issue and potential solutions.

How to Fix F1 22 EGO Dumper Crash
It seems that there are no clear rules on when is this issue happening for many players. Some players report that they are unable to even start the game. The game kicks them out during the loading screen. Others state that the game constantly crashes while they are performing some activities, such as driving multiplayer races or even practice laps. Unfortunately, at the moment, this is simply a bug which needs to be fixed by Codemasters.
However, there are some solutions reported by various players that have fixed their problems. We can not guarantee that they will work, but what we can do is list them below as options to try. If they fix your F1 22 EGO Dumper Crash problems, that’s great. If not, unfortunately, we will have to wait for developers to fix it. With that said, here are some solutions that might help you mitigate this issue:
- Deleting the F1 22 folder inside C:\Users\[your_username_here]\Documents\My Games > delete folder called “F1 22”.
- Try using TAA or AMD FX instead of DLSS.
- Disable Steam overlay (or any other overlay you use).
- Make sure that your antivirus and firewall software is not interfering with your F1 22 or blocking the game’s files from being accessible.
- Make sure that you have the latest GPU drivers installed.
- Exclude F122.exe from the ransomware protection in Windows.
- Make sure that Windows is up-to-date.
- Turn off any third-party apps while playing F1 22. Many of them are known to cause issues.
And that’s about all you can do when it comes to fixing the F1 22 EGO Dumper Crash error. If nothing of this works for you, unfortunately, you’ll have to wait for a hotfix. If you know any solution that works, share it with us in the comment section!