Ex-Bioware Veterans Developing Sci-Fi RPG at New Studio
Gaming titans Wizards of the Coast have revealed their brand new game development studio. It’s called Archetype Entertainment, and the people at the head of the studio are two Bioware veterans, James Ohlen (lead designer and creative director) and Chad Robertson, who acted as head of live services for Anthem before leaving Bioware. The first game that they’ll be working on is described as a “multi-platform roleplaying game set in a new science fiction universe.” Salivating yet? Yeah, me too.

Way back in April 2019, Wizards of the Coast first announced that they were teaming up with James Ohlen, formerly of Bioware, to form a new development studio. Both sides have incredible portfolios. Wizards of the Coast are the good people behind Dungeons and Dragons, as well as Magic: the Gathering. Ohlen, on the other hand, has worked on the likes of Neverwinter Nights, Baldur’s Gate, Dragon Age: Origins, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It’s people that really know what they’re doing, is what I’m saying.
And now we know the name of the studio: Archetype Entertainment. According to Eurogamer, the “autonomous division” will be based in Austin, Texas. Plus, another person that has jumped ship from Bioware will be joining the team: Chad Robertson, formerly the head of live services on Anthem, as well as head of technology and studio director at BioWare Austin. Ohlen will be the head of the studio, while Robertson takes on the mantel of vice president and general manager.
As for Archetype Entertainment’s first project, it is currently safe under a shroud of mystery. All we know about it, as we’ve said up top, is that it will be a “multi-platform roleplaying game set in a new science fiction universe.” That’s it. However, you really can’t ask for better people to be at the head of the projects. Here’s to the future!