The Division Year Two announces free content for all
The Division has been “resurrected”, for lack of a better word, in the past few months, with the team hard at work to change the game and make it appealing to early adopters and the new. In case you missed the yesterday’s livestream (yesterday was the anniversary of Division’s release) here is a recap.

First, the bomb was dropped – The Division content updates for the following year are going to be free. There will be no season pass. As Hamish Bode, community developer at Massive said: “Everything that comes out is going to be released on all platforms at the same time.” This does not come as a surprise, since last year saw various issues that cost Ubisoft players. The timed exclusivity with Microsoft was not a popular decision with the players, as PC and Xbox One players received expansions one month early, while the second and third expansion were delayed.
The new expansions for The Division Year Two are unnamed as of yet. The first one will be released this summer and consist of three new elements. There will be limited time events, ability to create and swap loadouts, as well as a system of Feats, which will function as in-game achievements. The second one should focus more on narrative content.
If you have asked yourself how Ubisoft plans to pull off free content – a small reminder: last week’s update to 1.6 brought microtransaction to the Division. Speaking of microtransactions, the anniversary celebration brings 200 premium credits to all the players. They are used to buy clothes, weapon skins and emotes. There will also be a double multiplier on high-value target rewards and field proficiency caches on March 9 through 11 and March 11, respectively.
The Division seems to be making some decent strides into creating the game that many expected from the beginning, much like recent No Man’s Sky news. Right now, the reaction among players seems to positive and hopeful.