Devil May Cry 5 How Long to Beat
How long does it take to beat Devil May Cry 5? That’s something that a lot of people have been asking themselves. And, of course, how much time you need to complete depends on many aspects, including the difficulty setting, etc. Still, many people want to know how long DMC 5 is. Well, if that’s your case, here’s our Devil May Cry 5 How Long to Beat guide to hopefully provide the info you need.

How Long to Beat Main Story in Devil May Cry 5?
How long it’ll take you to beat the main story of Devil May Cry depends on several factors. These include which difficulty you’re playing on, as well as whether you watch the cutscenes or not. And of course, how skilled you are. However, a standard playthrough on a reasonable difficulty (up to and including Dante Must Die), will probably take you around ten or so hours. If you skip cutscenes, you can probably shave it down even more. It might not seem much, but the appeal of Devil May Cry was never a huge open world.
Other modes are going to take different times. For example, Heaven or Hell mode. The catch with that one is that enemies die in one hit, but so do you. This one is a dream for speedrunning the game. If you know what you’re doing, and skip cutscenes, you can probably just polish the game right off in, like, two hours. Yeah, again, DMC 5 is not exactly the longest games and existence, but that’s not what it’s about, at all. Plus, there will be future updates that will introduce even more content, including the fan-favorite Blood Palace.
Devil May Cry 5 comes out on March 8th; an ideal gift for International Women’s Day. You can get it on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. And I can’t wait to play it in my down time; who can get tired of cleaving demons using two halves of a motorbike?