Darkest Dungeon Coming to Switch eShop on January 18th
Darkest Dungeon is coming to the Nintendo Switch, along with two of the DLCs. They all launch on January 18th. The base game will cost $25 dollars in Nintendo America and Nintendo Europe countries. Among other things, the game will support touch controls.

Nintendo Switch owners, if you’re a fan of rougelike RPGs with turn-based combat, and/or love the works of H. P. Lovecraft, get ready. Developer Red Hook Studios announced that they’re bringing their hit game Darkest Dungeon to the Switch on January 18th, 2018. On launch, you’ll be able to buy it on the eShop for $24.99. On release, Red Hook will also launch two of the DLCs for the game, The Crimson Court and The Shieldbreaker, for $9.99 and $3.99 respectively. The Color of Madness DLC will also arrive later down the pipeline. The game will be available in “all of Nintendo America and Nintendo Europe countries”, according to the announcement.
If you’re somehow not familiar with Darkest Dungeon, let’s get you up to speed real quick. Like we’ve mentioned above, this is a turn-based rougelike RPG, where you assemble your team and go explore the dark and dreary world of the game, fighting unspeakable horrors that just should not be. You have to keep your characters alive and sane, as witnessing things not meant for the eyes of man slowly erodes their minds. The gameplay is fun but difficult. However, the main draw for me initially was the art style, which apes the style of Mike Mignola of Hellboy fame. So much so, that I was convinced that Mignola worked on the game until I was proven wrong.
As a side note, the announcement of the Switch version of Darkest Dungeon addresses the possibility of an Android version. A lot of people have been clamoring for that. Unfortunately, there are currently no plans to make an Andriod version. So, you’ll have to make due with the platforms the game is on, which is basically everything other than Android. Sorry.