Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Coming to Switch, Xbox, and PC
The Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy will be coming out on Steam, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The launch date is July 10th. It’s weird to see a famous, console-exclusive mascot make the jump to other platforms. Of course, some people aren’t too happy about it.

Well, color me all sorts of surprised. I never expected to see Crash Bandicoot on anything but a PlayStation console. After all, he was one of PlayStation’s mascots back in the day; arguably, the most famous one. We all thought of the doofy marsupial as the PlayStation version of Mario or Sonic. And, yet, here we are. According to the Crash Bandicoot Twitter, N. Sane Trilogy is going to be making the jump to other platforms. Sure, this isn’t the first time this has happened; see Sonic and how he’s become a Nintendo staple. Still, it’s a weird feeling.
So, what exactly is going on? Well, it’s pretty simple. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is coming to Steam, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch. All of the ports will come out on the same date, July 10th, 2018. The logic behind this decision is pretty obvious, I feel. Activision wants the money. After all, N. Sane Trilogy has sold incredibly well on the PlayStation 4, so it makes sense that they’d want to cash in on other platforms as well. And, that’s fine; I have no problem with that. All the people that have the desire should be able to experience Crash’s escapades.
That being said, if you scroll a bit down the responses to the tweet, you’ll find a fair share of people complaining about Crash’s jump to other platforms. They don’t want to see their beloved mascot appearing anywhere else than on the PlayStation. You can’t please everybody, I suppose.