Code Vein New "Underworld" Trailer Reveals Details of Lore
There’s a new trailer out for Code Vein, called “Underworld”. The video reveals little bits of story and lore of the game. We learn a few things about the vampires in this world, their divide into Revenant and Lost, and what their purpose in this dystopian world of Code Vein is.

Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for their upcoming action RPG, Code Vein. If you’re not familiar with the game, you play as a vampire in a post-apocalyptic, dystopian world. The game seems to be another Souls-like game, with a cool-looking anime art style. There’s not a lot of info about the game’s lore yet, which will probably change the closer we get to the launch. That being said, the new “Underworld” trailer does reveal a little bit more.
One of the things that the trailer reveals is that the vampires in this world were, indeed, once human. Our character is called a Revenant, and it seems that Revenants are vampires that still retain their humanity. The video also mentions that Revenants can turn into The Lost. Since vampires in this world live a cycle of fighting, feeding, and reviving, they might lose their humanity bit by bit. The video description points out that Revenants roam the world looking for their lost memories. It might be that losing touch with those memories leads to them becoming Lost. This is all very reminiscent of Vampire: The Masquerade, so color me interested.
Code Vein is coming out at some point in 2018, there’s no exact release date just yet. You’ll be able to pick it up on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. If you want to check out the Code Vein “Underworld” trailer, you can do so below. It’s worth a watch, if the game tickles your fancy.