Call of Duty WW2 Errors - Stuck at Loading Screen, Performance Issues
Call of Duty WW2 has been released, and it seems like it’s one of the series’ wonkiest launches to date. Servers aren’t up to snuff, performance issues are aplenty, and loads of people are getting stuck at loading screens. There’s no way around most of these – you’ll probably just have to wait for the developers to fix the bulk of the Call of Duty WW2 errors & problems.

Call of duty WWII service is not available at this time – Error Code – 4218, Error Code 36896
Go to settings and network and go offline. Then hard reset your console as in unplug it for a few seconds. You should start the game while still offline and after game launches then go back online in settings. (thanks permanentwaves)Stuck at loading screen, endless scoreboard
This is the most widely spread problem – people are getting stuck at the scoreboard after a match, then restarting the game, only to get stuck at a loading screen. If you’re still at the scoreboard, give it 15-20 minutes. If you’re in luck, it’ll let you through. If not, you can try deleting the local save data, and restarting the game several times. There are also reports saying that joining a friend’s session helps.
Lost connection to host/server. Connection timed out. Call of Duty WW2 Error Code 103295
A lot of players are having trouble connecting to others, or getting kicked out after they manage to connect. This is due to Activision’s poor server choices. There’s nothing you can do about it, but they’re working on a solution.
All Mementos location – Call of Duty WW2
DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error in CoD WW2
This error message indicates your PC isn’t powerful enough to run the game. Your options are to either upgrade or refund the game.
Performance issues, stutters, lag, FPS drops
If you’re experiencing performance issues of any kind, your best bet would be to disable stuff that needs a lot of horsepower. This includes motion blur, vsync and shadows. Experiment with the settings until you find what works best.
The game will now restart due to update failure (error code 5)
This issues was carried over from the beta. Back then, a lot of people claimed repeatedly restarting the console (up to a dozen times for some) magically solved the problem.
Cain’t join party in CoD WW2, must enlist in division first
Several people have reported being unable to join a party in CoD WW2. The game tells them they have to enlist in a division first, but the option to do so never shows up. It’s a known issues, and one that’s hopefully going to be fixed soon.
CoD WW2 poor performance on SLI machines
If you have a SLI setup on your PC, you might be experiencing poor performance. The game isn’t really optimized for SLI, so your best bet would be to disable it. It should drastically improve things.
CoD WW2 crashes on startup
There have been reports of the game crashing on startup from both PC and console owners. There’s not much to do here – try verifying the game’s files, or even redownloading.
The enlist in division thing is so annoying when is gonna get fixed
This is a damn joke!! You make billions off this game, you can make updates in order to make this work properly! Do your damn job!
Who would I write to to complain. This is a joke of a release. Why wouldn’t you have a game that is fully ready to go straight away. 55 b@st@rd quid for so far 30mins tops of game time.
I click play online it for that then I get a screen displaying the call of duty ww2 logo and it says loading in the bottom right corner then that’s it, it does nothing from there, no amount of game, console or broadband resets fixes this, 60 quid for a cod ww2 screen saver basically, sledgehammer you have released the worst cod of all time….well done!!
It’s not by any means the worst Call of duty ever. Perhaps the worst launch by a mile but by far from the worst Call of Duty.
I feel yoir pain as mine is the same I’ve been trying for two days now to connect and done all I can, Im so disappointed as had taken weekend off work to get stuck into it and like you say not the best best screen saver at that price,please sort it sledgehammer.
The best way to get into a game and play is to get an invite from a friend who is already playing a match if there are any spaces left in any teams
The release of game status for COD: WW2 has been out for over 13 hours and yet no changes to server issues have been made. It is dissapointing to many who pay a sumptuous amount of money on the game, before it releases, as well as after to launch the application Or start the game with it not being fully developed prior to release.
I tried to run it on my PC, just in campaign mode. I make it through the opening cut scenes as the boats approach the beach on D-Day, but then get the endless loading screens. Restarts, re-installs and all other manner of troubleshooting produced no fix. I got a refund from Steam, which to their credit, they are very efficient at.