Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies Trailer Includes Undead Tigers
The new trailer for Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies trailer is out, and it sure is a sight to see. It begins on the Titanic, adds dark magic, and then ends in a gladiatorial arena full of zombies and undead tigers. It serves both to introduce us to the story of Zombies, as well as showcasing brief moments of gameplay.

Activision has released a new trailer for Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies, and it’s wonderfully insane. It basically introduces us to the story of Zombies, and how the living dead plague came to be. On top of that, it also shows us snippets of gameplay, including some of the guns and melee weapons we’ll be seeing in Zombies. The story, by the way, seems to be a convoluted, crazy mess, and I love every second of it. You can check it out for yourself below. so let’s take a deep dive.
The video opens with narration from Scarlett Rhoades, who’s on the Titanic, on a mission to find her missing father. She talks about her father’s stories, which now sound like fantasy to her. But then, some other people talk about how they’ll do anything to help her get her father back. And then… something happens with a staff and dark magic, and boom, the whole crew is now zombies, and the ship is covered with black goo like Resident Evil 7. We then get an action montage, as well as hints towards symbols on the Titanic that somehow tie into the whole thing. And we get an admittedly bad-ass line: “I stared into the Abyss, and the Abyss gave me a gun.”
Then, somehow, our group of heroes time-travels into a gladiatorial arena in Rome, surrounded by zombie gladiators and freaking undead tigers. It’s as awesome as it is ridiculous. Call of Duty Zombies is coming out on October 12th on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.