Brawlhalla 6th Anniversary 2021 - New Hattori and Kor Skin
The online fighting game Brawlhalla is set to celebrate its 6th Anniversary. Besides the new Hattori and Kor skins, there will also be other additions and surprises as well. While we still don’t know how much these will end up costing in the Mallhalla (Brawlhalla’s store), in this Brawlhalla 6th Anniversary 2021 – New Hattori and Kor Skin news piece, we will discuss these particular two new skins, as well as all the rest of the cosmetics added for this event.

When is the Brawlhalla 6th Anniversary 2021 Event
The Brawlhalla 6th Anniversary 2021 event will begin on November 10th. Let’s see what the Hattori and Kor skins will look like. First off – Hattori. Her new skin is called the Maître d’Hattori. Instead of her usual Japanese-styled attire, Hattori will be wearing a Carnivale Mask and different outfit. In this form, her sword skin is called the Celebratory Sabre, and her spear skin the Corsage Royale. Kor’s new skin is even more impressive and distinct. His default look is that of a moss-covered rock creature. However, his new skin, called Gentleman Kor, depicts him in knightly plate, and his rock form being replaced with diamond. He is wearing a top hat and has a monocle over his eye. His gauntlets skin is called the Cuffed Regalia, and his hammer skin the Disco Brawl.

A special new Podium is also available. Very similarly looking to the Gilded Deco from last year’s anniversary event, this new podium is called, somewhat derivatively, the Gilded Deco 2021. It very closely resembles the design of the previous one, but looks much cooler. Finally, there is the new emote. Again, it’s basically a reskin of the one from last year. The 5th Cake-aversary has been replaced with the 6th Cake-aversary. Instead of the blue and yellow cake from 2020, this year’s cake appears to be all-chocolate.