Borderlands 3 Final Character Trailer Spotlights FL4K the Beastmaster
There’s a new Borderlands 3 character trailer out; as far as I can tell, it should also be the last one. This time around, we’re looking at FL4K the Beastmaster. The situation is simple and elegant: FL4K is a robotic hunter that uses his sniper and domesticated wildlife to bring down his prey. He lives for the never-ending hunt.

FL4K the Beastmaster might just be the coolest-looking character in Borderlands 3. He’s a robot with several mismatched parts, and his thing is that he’s a hunter, and the hunt never ends. True, not exactly the most nuanced character motivation. But, hey, you’re only here to explode some Children of the Vault butt, so that won’t matter too much. What’s really cool about FL4K, aside from his 1337 name, is that he uses trained and cybernetically augmented animals in his hunt. Well, that and a big ole sniper rifle. Can’t bring just animals to a gun fight.
Now, judging by FL4K’s entry on the Borderlands website, each of his pets is its own skill tree. You’ll be able to pick and choose between Spiderant Centurion (Hunter), Guard Skag (Master), and Jabber Sidekick (Stalker). The Stalker one might be the way to go initially, since it gives you, among other things, the Fade Away action skill. It makes you invisible for a while, on top of heightened movement speed and health regeneration. The ideal way to weasel your way out of a bind. But, of course, as always, what you choose is gonna be a matter of your personal preference.
Borderlands 3 is coming out on September 13th, 2019. You can already pick it up via pre-order on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox One. There’s also plans for the game to come out on Google Stadia. On PC, Borderlands 3 will be an Epic Games Store exclusive for six months after launch.