Blade & Soul Forgotten Souls Update Now Available
The Forgotten Souls update is now out for Blade & Soul, and it brings with it new content for players to explore. For one, there’s a whole new storyline to complete and dungeon to beat. on top of that, there are several different events that you can take part in to earn cosmetics and weapons and such. Everything you’d expect from an update for a game like this.

So, what exactly is going on in Blade & Soul: Forgotten Souls? Well, according to the press release: “Both the Earthen Realm and Spirit Realm are in jeopardy as two powerful malevolent enemies have been capturing wayward souls for use in their own treacherous domain. Players will need to venture into the new 6-player Stonescale Passage dungeon to defeat the two villains, Amasa and Amayun in order to restore balance and deliver the captured souls safely to the Beyond.” Pretty high stakes, I’d say.
The update also has several events you can take part in. One of them is The Call To Arms event, which includes a streamlined path to high-end weapons. Basically, you will receive a free Call to Arms bundle, which includes a ticket that you exchange for an Armory Chest. The chest evolves through twelve stages, and each stage requires a key, which you obtain through daily and weekly challenges. This event will last through April 22nd.
The second event, Ebon Hunting Grounds, will also last through April 22nd. The Hunting Grounds, accessible from the South District of Zaiwei, has an Auto-Hunting feature, letting you dark the area autonomously. It’s also a PvP area, though, so don’t get too comfortable. The loot you get from PvE combat includes Ebon Blooms, which you can exchange for a variety of items.
Lastly, we have the Cherry Blossom Treasure Trove, happening through April 8th. Every day, you’ll get a free Treasure Trove for you to open. Inside, you’ll find “a randomized selection of high-end items and cosmetics,” which are also purchasable through in-game currency.
So, yeah, that’s some of the stuff that you can expect to see in the Forgotten Souls update in Blade & Soul. For more info, you can check out the game’s official website. You can also check out the cinematic trailer for the update below.