BJ Blazkowicz Coming to Quake Champions, Will Have Dual Wield Ability
Bethesda has released another trailer for Quake Champions, introducing a new hero. It’s none other than BJ Blazkowicz, Hitlericidal maniac extraordinaire, and one of the oldest video game protagonists still forced to work. The trailer shows off BJ and his fancy, over the top active skill in action.

The marketing spiel starts off by saying Blazkowicz hasn’t led and easy life. Damn right he hasn’t. He’s been at it for twenty five years, and he’s killed Hitler a dozen times already. He’s gonna give it another go this October, as well.
It’s a smart tie-in, to tell the truth. BJ’s a natural fit in any place with lots of shooting, and the crazy visit to the Dreamlands should feel right at home in the Wolfenstein series. It’s a win-win.
As for his abilities in Quake Champions, his active skill will let him dual wield weapons. Yes, that does include the rocket launcher, and yes, it does look amazing in action. It will be time limited, so you won’t be able to run around with two guns whipped out throughout the whole match, but it will give you an edge when you need it.
The passive ability lets him regenerate health when not under fire, which is a travesty. He can only regenerate within the chipped 25 HP block, but goddamit, BJ Blazkowicz doesn’t need no stinking renegeneration! He comes from a time before such nonsense. All he needs is a dirty cloth bag with a red cross on it, and its mysterious contents. I really hope the developers reconsider this one, as it is decidedly non-canon.
Quake Champions is currently in closed beta, and you can sign up for a key at Bethesda’s website. We’ve had a go, so if you’re trying to figure out if it’s up your alley, check out our Quake Champions closed beta impressions.