Apex Legends Getting Daily & Weekly Challenges in Season 2
You can’t be a battle royale game and not have a battle pass. Everyone knows that. Apex Legends quickly added one after joining the ranks, but a lot of folks felt it was too grindy. Reaching the final tier took too much effort, and now the developers are doing something about it. Starting with season 2, Apex Legends will be getting daily and weekly challenges to help you reach the lofty goal of completing the whole thing.

The new system “should allow for significantly greater Battle Pass progress with less grind over less time for players who return on a regular basis and maximize their Challenge resets”. A lot of the weekly challenges will push you up a whole tier on completion. The rest will grant you stars, a currency that only counts towards battle pass tiers. It is combined with match xp when calculating batlte pass progress, but doesn’t affect your account level.
You’ll get three daily challenges each day, and they’ll come from a pool of 200. Each one will grant you 3k stars, and they’ll reset after the day is over. They’re supposed to be easy, manageable in short sessions, things like dealing 200 damage in Bunker or playing one game as a specific character.
The weekly challenges will come in groups of seven. Expect stuff like looting a hundred items of a specific rarity or getting 20 kills witha particular character. Three of them will grant you an instant tier bump, while the rest will net you 6k stars each. These don’t actually reset – once the week passes, you’ll still be able to work on them. If you join at a later date, you’ll automatically unlock the previous weeks’ weekly challenges.
There will be three extra weekly challenges which will reset and reward you with a full battle pass level each. One of them requires you to complete 5 daily challenges, the other requires 10, while the last one counts the combined amount of stars and match XP (you’ll need 9k).