Agony Unrated Canceled Due to Technical and Legal Reasons
According to the developers of Agony, Madmind Studio, development on Agony Unrated has been canceled. They had to make the decision due to “technical and legal reasons”. However, the studio is also struggling with financial problems, so that might be another reason for the cancellation, at least partially. Work on patches is still going forward, though.

Agony has tried to sell itself as a psychological horror, but basically everyone agrees that it didn’t work. However, they still could have had the over-the-top gore and violence and other explicit content. There was already trouble with the PC censored content patch, which already got the axe. And, according to a new update on the game’s Steam community page, Agony Unrated is also dead in the water. The developers wrote: “We regret to inform you that our company is currently struggling with financial problems. Due to technical and legal reasons, Madmind must cancel the development of Agony Unrated. Part of the team will continue to support Agony on Steam and consoles by publishing new patches.”
So, as the last sentence states, work on the game itself won’t stop. Madmind Studio further explained what the team will be working on in the future: “Regarding the Xbox One patch – we have managed to find and fix the bug that was present on the Xbox One X console. We have sent the improved update to our publisher, who will pass it to the Microsoft today or tomorrow and we are expecting it to be approved in the next couple of days. PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC will get another patch this week. It will introduce many fixes and a highly refined lighting system.” God knows that this game needs some refined lighting. Anyway, it seems that Agony is in some deep trouble. Unfortunately, the game just doesn’t work well enough to carry out the potentially cool premise, which is too bad.