A Story About My Uncle Free on Humble Store For a Limited Time
Free stuff! Everybody likes free stuff. It’s been a good week for free-stuffers – first the delightful What Remains of Edith Finch on the Epic Store, and now A Story About My Uncle on the Humble Store. The rest of these stores will have to up their game if they want us to spend our not-money there. This one comes as a Steam key, and it’ll only be available for the next day or so. Once you’ve claimed it, make sure to redeem the key on Steam immediately, as it, too, has an expiry date.

Digital keys have become perishable goods, see. Which is probably for the best, seeing how that stops them from becoming fodder for vile scum like the resellers on G2A. You’ll have to subscribe to the store’s newsletter in order to get the game, which will probably be fine for most people – they’ll alert you when sales start, when new bundles are featured on the site or when they give out other free games.
As for the game itself, I’ve played the prototype way back when – so far back I’m starting to experince more than the usual amount of existential dread just by thinking about it. The full game is supposed to be an expanded version of that, but they’re the same in all the ways that matter. It’s a story about a child looking for their uncle, and somehow ending up in a strange world of wondrous creatures and floating stone blocks with glyphs on the sides.
It’s a first person platformer, which usually spells disaster, but this time it works, oddly enough. Probably on the account of the grappling hook you’ll use to get around most of the time. It’s not so important to stick landings precisely, as it is to identify the next point you should grapple onto. It’s good stuff, all in all, and you can’t beat this price.