2KTV Episode 6 All Answers in NBA 2K25
The latest episode of NBA 2K25 Season 11 2KTV is live and contains 7 questions that will reward you with 1000 free VC if you answer them correctly. WNBA finals are underway so the topic of the episode is The W mode in NBA 2K25. You’ll get to see Miss T, 2K25 YouTuber, play a game with the 2K hosts and discuss The W and game in general. There’s another couple of plays of the week for you to choose from. Episode is rounded up by a Fast Break segment where casual courts in the City are discussed. These let anyone join and prevent pre-made groups. With the Season 2 of NBA 2K25 coming up this episode didn’t have a lot of content and tips to share. It still has 2KTV questions that will give reward you with free VC if you answer them correctly. So, here’s all the answers to Episode 6 2KTV questions in NBA 2K25.

NBA 2K25 2KTV Episode 6 Answers
Q: NBA 2K25 is the first NBA 2K to feature press conferences in The W. A: TRUE Reward: 200 VC |
Q: You can earn GOAT points in The W, and check your career progress in ___. A: Pursuit of Greatness Reward: 200 VC |
Q: A’ja Wilson recently won her ___ WNBA MVP award. A: 3rd Reward: 200 VC |
Q: How many casual courts are found in each affiliation?. A: 1 Reward: 200 VC |
Q: Which franchise will be making their WNBA debut next season? A: Valkyries Reward: 200 VC |
Q: Top play of the week vote A: Any Reward: 2KTV clothing item |
Q: What was your favorite segment of the show this week? A: Any Reward: 2KTV clothing item |