New World Closed Beta Release Date & Time
The New World closed beta release date and time are just around the corner, and, of course, people want to know when they can start playing it, as well as how to play it. The launch date and time of the New World beta has been known for a couple of days now, but people that haven’t been keeping their ear to the ground might have missed it, and maybe don’t know how to join the fun. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to show you when you can play the New World closed beta and how to play it.

Release Date & Time of New World Closed Beta
The New World closed beta release date and time is July 20th at 9:30AM PT (4:30PM UTC), and it will end on August 2nd at 11:59M PT (6:59AM UTC). So, that’s about a solid two weeks in which you’ll be able to experience everything there is to do in the beta. Before it begins, though, you can expect to get a message from Scot Lane, the game’s director, at 9:00AM PT (4:00PM UTC), in which you’ll learn more about the changes and updates and just generally the content you can expect to see.
Two things to point out here. The first one is that you can do whatever you want during the closed beta; the developers will be wiping everything before official launch on August 31st. No progress will carry over. The second thing to know is that the beta servers will be available in North America, Europe, Australia and Brazil. Now, you might be wondering how to get in on the action, which brings me to our next point.
How to Play New World Closed Beta
To play the upcoming New World closed beta, there are two things that you can do. The first one is to register here and hope that you’ll be randomly selected to participate. This method does not guarantee that you’ll get in, but it is an option. The second avenue to pursue is to pre-order the game either via Steam or Amazon. If you do that, you’re guaranteed a place in the closed beta.
If you’ve pre-ordered the game via Amazon before July 17th at 11:59PM PT (6:59AM UTC), you should’ve already gotten your invite. Everyone that has made their pre-order after that cut-off date will get an invite 48 hours after order confirmation. You’ll get a Steam key that you’ll have to redeem through your Steam library. Those of you that have made the pre-order via Steam will automatically get the closed beta in their library. So, might as well do it directly on Steam if you haven’t already. If you have any more questions about the New World beta, you can find a brief FAQ here.