NBA 2K24 Fastest Max Badges Method
When it comes to NBA 2K, few things are as important as Badges. Naturally, NBA 2K24 hasn’t strayed from this gameplay formula, meaning that Badges provide huge advantages in MyTeam and MyCareer. As such, you’ll not only want to unlock and get as many Badges as you can, but you will also want to level them up so that you can enjoy their many gameplay benefits. Though, the way that the Badge progress works in NBA 2K24 has been significantly slowed down, which means that you will need to grind a lot longer for them. That is, unless you employ the NBA 2K24 Fastest Max Badges Method, which we are going to describe right here.

How to Get Badges Fast in NBA 2K24
First of all, you may be wondering why the Badge Upgrade progress is so slow now. We have tried our best to explain why that is here. And now, let’s see the method itself. Once you get into the MyCareer Main Quest Journal, there’s a quest there called Streetball at Sunset Park. This is where and how you will be able to grind this much faster.
So head there and talk to the person in the LA jersey. Next, go to the nearby board and pick a person to play against. The thing about this is that these courts are on Rookie difficulty. This means that it is incredibly easy to not only win, but also unlock badges and progress them until you have fully upgraded them all. Once you have completed this easy match, replay it to further grind your Badges. As the game is against really easy opponents, you can simply concentrate on what sort of Badges you want to progress. Our recommendation is that you max out Shooting Badges first, but go for whichever ones you prefer.