NBA 2K24 Black Friday Sale
If you’re looking to get NBA 2K24 during the Black Friday sale and want to know where to look for the best deals, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we are going to show you some of the best offers we’ve found at major online retailers. Let’s dive right in!

Black Friday Sale NBA 2K24
There are a few different places that you can get a pretty good deal on NBA 2K24 while the Black Friday sale is going on. Not that I’d recommend playing this game on any platform for any amount of money, but I digress. One of the places you can get the game for cheap is the Nintendo store, since the Switch version is currently 50% off. Same goes for Best Buy, where almost every version of the game is also at a 50% discount. The only exception is the PC version, for reasons I don’t entirely understand. Best Buy not your scene? No problem, Amazon has also got you covered. Again, not all versions of NBA 2K24 are on sale, but those that are you can get for half off. Same goes for the PlayStation Store and the Xbox Store (well, Microsoft Store).
So, those are some of the more major Black Friday sale deals you can get on NBA 2K24. I’m sure there might be more if you keep browsing different retailers, but I also doubt you’ll find it for cheaper than 50% off. One thing I do find conspicuous is that nobody is offering a sale on PC. Maybe that will come later, who knows? Just keep your ear to the ground, I’m sure Steam will have something soon enough. And once you do acquire a copy and inevitably get stuck somewhere, feel free to check out some of our NBA 2K24 guides, All NBA 2K24 2KTV Episode 5 Answers and Family Flashback Rewards Not Appearing.