NBA 2K23 Welcome to the League not Progressing Fix
Is the “Welcome to the League” quest not progressing in NBA 2K23 after completing both “Handle Your Business” and “Control The Narrative”? Don’t worry, you are not the only person with this supposed “glitch”. NBA 2K23 is here and of course, one of the first things players will jump into is their MyCareer adventure. On that journey, you’ll have quite a lot of quests to complete in order to prove yourself and progress through the story. One of the early quests in the story is the “Welcome to the League” quest. While seemingly simple, many players have problems with completing this quest. If you don’t know how to complete it, in our guide we explain everything you need to know.

Welcome to the League Quest not Progressing Explained NBA 2K23
The “Welcome to the League” quest is one of the main story quests in NBA 2K23 MyCareer. As such, its completion is essential for progressing the story further and continuing your single-player experience. On its surface, it’s a rather straightforward quest. It should be completed once you finish both “Handle Your Business” and “Control The Narrative” quests. That’s exactly what it says.
The “Handle Your Business” quest requires you to play five games (NBA), and score 60 points, assists, rebounds, blocks, and steals in total (NBA). On the other hand, the “Control The Narrative” quest asks you to visit the Local News office. That’s where John Luck is waiting for you. If you’ve completed both of these, you are probably wondering why the “Welcome to the League” quest is not completed.
What the game doesn’t tell you is that the quest is not over here. You will need to play five more games (10 games in total), and you’ll receive a message from the coach, he will have some important news for you. After a couple of more tasks to complete you will be summoned to the locker room, where you will be informed that you’ve become a starter player. And that’s where the “Welcome to the League” quest is completed.
good luck, try the 2K forums.
They anyone find a solution? I am stuck at “Control the Narrative”. I won all the first 4 NBA games. That finished “Handle Your Business” for me before I even played all 4 games. Between does games I finished “Control the Narrative” up to the point where I have to win 1 NBA game and need to have 1 highlight game. Now I am at my 5th game and only “Control the Narrative” is still unfinished. But however I perform at that 5th season game (just played and scored 56pts / 10rbs / 6asts with an A+) it always ends with objective failed. When I quit, I spawn in the Arena with the 5th game still to play. I cant replay any of the already 4 finished games, only the 5th game. Which ends with obj. failed whatever I do. And I can’t simulate it either bc it tells me to finish the Narrative quest.
I have this same problem! Wait, that’s my description of it! 🙂
“They anyone find a solution?” was supposed to say “Did anyone find a solution?”
@Rodriguez: from what I gathered at Reddit and the official forums, we are f*cked and need to start over.
If that’s true I need all my money back.
My problem is I’ve completed handle my business but is doesn’t show as complete and when I’m trying to complete control the narrative but playing winning a game and making 1 highlight plays it won’t show I’ve tried everything but no solution
I have a problem it won’t let me continue building my player after I set the attributes on mycareer
If you’re having trouble completing the control the narrative quest, it’s bc you have to go to the local news office to find John. For some reason, the question completely disappears and the office isn’t on the map. The office is in between the big under armour and adidas building though if you know where that is. Right around the corner from the one plaza building with Ricky
What if we already completed that and we are on another build, that’s how I’m stuck
I’ve done both quests and now I’m about to play my first game as a starter but it won’t let me. Anybody got a solution to that?
Where is the news station with John luck? It didn’t show on the quest map and control the narrative isn’t on my quest list anymore please help
I cant play another mycareer game as it says complete control the narrative but it doesnt even exist on my quest list????
Same, I think I may have already talked to him. I’m not sure. But control the narrative is not on ym active or completed quests. Someone find a fix for the love of god ??
They anyone find a solution? I am stuck at “Control the Narrative”. I won all the first 4 NBA games. That finished “Handle Your Business” for me before I even played all 4 games. Between does games I finished “Control the Narrative” up to the point where I have to win 1 NBA game and need to have 1 highlight game. Now I am at my 5th game and only “Control the Narrative” is still unfinished. But however I perform at that 5th season game (just played and scored 56pts / 10rbs / 6asts with an A+) it always ends with objective failed. When I quit, I spawn in the Arena with the 5th game still to play. I cant replay any of the already 4 finished games, only the 5th game. Which ends with obj. failed whatever I do. And I can’t simulate it either bc it tells me to finish the Narrative quest.
I have this same problem
im having the same problem does anymore know how to fix it
I have a glitch not being able to enter dreamville studios can anybody help?
the same problem for me
I’ve become a starter The mission still hasn’t disappeared, but the rewards have been received I have no way to appear new nba tasks
Did you find a solution?
Same let me know if you find a fix
Did you find a solution ?
Why can’t I progress in mycareer ive played 2 games when I should of levelled up it has taken my attributes and badges off me
I have a glitch where the quest welcome to the league tells me to play a game before I can progress but if I go to the challenge on they it tells me to play a game. I don’t know what I should do any Tipps?
I got a glitch where it’s saying in order to play my 3rd game I need to complete the myPoints accelerator quest but when I go to quests it’s only control the narrative and handle your business which tells me I need to play nba games but I can’t because I have to compete the “myPoints accelerator quest”
I’m having the same issue let me know if you solve this.
Same thing happening with me. Idk why they put quest to play games. It’s annoying and unnecessary.
2K really needs to fix this ASAP. I’ve done everything to complete the quests. I’ve played 11 games and now for some reason it keeps saying “Complete ‘Control The Narrative” but I’ve been completed that and talked to John at the local news station. For some reason it won’t show “Welcome to the League” as completed and it wont let me continue.
Have you found a fix?
I had the same issue, you have to go in the coaches office that’s in the locker room and talk. Then it’ll let you proceed.
There is no coach in the locker room it’s glitched. You walk to the arena with all quests done and it still doesnt let you. They need to fix the quests you cant even play mycareer.
Thank you
Mine is doing the same thing now it wont allow me to play until and then when i go to practice gym, it says I cant play in that either
To fix the problem do the endorsement mission where you talk to ashley and it should work (theres 3 endorsement missions ignore the zion one)
This actually worked.
I’m stuck on the Perform 1 highlight play on control the narrative but it’s on my rebirth build therefore I got the endorsement quest done already and the talk to John luck quest done and i do about 9-10 highlight plays a game and it’s not saying I did any so I’m just stuck and can’t even play my career now
This same thing is happening to me and it’s my rebirth player as well so did you ever fixed the issue yet???????????
Sameeeeee???? depression