NBA 2K23 Skills Boost Bug Fix, Not Able to Buy
If you have played previous NBA 2K entries, then you are no doubt already familiar with Skill Boosts. These allow you to further customize and improve your characters and their abilities. They are very useful for MyCAREER. However, there is a nasty bug in NBA 2K23 that make you unable to buy Skill Boosts. If you have also been getting the NBA 2K23 bug where you are not able to buy Skill Boosts, here’s what you can do to fix it.

Not Able to Buy Skills Boost Bug Fix NBA 2K23
So, what to do if your Skills Boost are missing from NBA 2K23? For some players, they are still able to purchase Gatorade, but not Skill Boosts, and are wondering where to find Skills Boost. Also, it seems like this is an issue for both current-gen and next-gen devices, as well as on PlayStation and Xbox consoles. This is probably something that is going to be patched out relatively soon, but as of now, there are some things that you can try out to resolve it on your end.
Many players have been able to fix this by simply leaving MyTeam and then going back to it again. So this is something that you should try out first to see if that is going to fix this bug. If that doesn’t work, try restarting your console by turning it off and then on. Finally, if that hasn’t done the trick, you should do a hard reset on your console. Instead of simply powering it down the usual way, this involves holding down the power button for about ten seconds until it shuts off, and then waiting for 30 seconds to a minute before turning it on again by pressing the power button again.
My skull boost an turbo boost will not work in the park only in my career an I have gym rat badge so I’m not understand why
Same here it won’t let me use my Gatorade or skill boost in the park