NBA 2K23 Pre-Order Not Showing, VC Missing Issue
The NBA 2K23 pre-order bonuses not showing and VC missing issue has been causing some havoc among the player base. I mean, you’ve pre-ordered the game expecting to receive some rewards; you want to get what you paid upfront for, right? Well, fortunately, there seems to be a relatively simple solution to this problem. You might not like it, but it will work. What am I talking about? Well, let’s dive into it.

NBA 2K23 Pre-Order Bonus Not Showing Up, VC Missing Issue
UPDATE: The issues with the missing VC and pre-order bonuses in NBA 2K23 are worse than we expected. Plus, it also includes edition bonuses now. People aren’t getting the items they paid for by purchasing the Championship or other advanced editions. Unfortunately, there isn’t much of a fix for this, aside from restarting the game multiple times until you brute-force it to work. Also, be sure to contact 2k support: the more reports they get, the quicker they’ll be on it. Original text follows. Oh, and while you are waiting for the issue to be resolved, check out the NBA 2K23 2K Day Giveaway, you can potentially win 250K VC!
If you encounter the issue where your VC is missing and your other pre-order bonuses are not showing up in NBA 2K23, you’ll just have to wait for a while. At the time I’m writing this, the game is not yet out everywhere in the world. As I understand it, the bonuses will not drop until the game is available for everyone to play. So, you’ll just have to be patient. It might also be the case that you’ve messed with your platform so that you got to play earlier than you were supposed to. If that is the case, the solution is the same. You need to wait until the game officially launches in your time zone.
So, yeah, that’s how you solve the issue with your NBA 2K23 pre-order bonuses not showing up and/or your VC is missing. However, if you’re still encountering this problem after the game launches worldwide, then that’s a whole different issue. You might have to restart the game (and maybe your console/PC) in order to for them to appear. Also, don’t forget to download the latest version of the launcher if you’re on PC. If that doesn’t work, then you might have to contact 2K support and hope for the best. I wish you the best of luck. If you need help with something else in the game, check out some of our other guides. We have articles like Locker Codes, Redeem Free Packs, VC, Tokens & More, MyTeam Season 1 Rewards, All Players & Packs, and others.
I have the championship edition and i still have not received any bonuses ive tried to talk to 2K and gamestop and nothing has changed
I bought Nba 2K23 yesterday and redeemed the code that was inside the disk cover. Now when I try play the game it says I have to buy it. Even though under my billing the game “NBA 2K23 Pre-Order Bonus” appears as redeemed.
If you are on ps5
1.go to the PlayStation store
2. Go to nba2k23
3 go to the 3 dots that look like (…)
4. Select Michael Jordan edition
Bought the Championship edition and still no bonus content! What is going on?
HAs anyone had this issue, my son bought the MJ version I think he spent 100 bucks, he loaded it and got the VC which I see many did not, sorry I am not a gamer so my terms might be wrong lol. Anyway he modified a player from a 60OVR to 72OVR after using the 65,000 VC, the game took his VC but never updated his player?
I bought the championship edition and I got the standard edition for both ps5 and ps4 and it shows that the championship edition is now 100 dollars after I already paid 150
Jordan edition is $100 champ edition is preorder only
Same thing happened to me. I pre – ordered the championship edition and Im only able to download the standard edition. How can I fix this?
I bought the Jordan edition for my son and his Vc still is not showing and he is having a hard time to get them to fix
Yes same issue my son is not happy and in turn is very frustrating for me.
Yeah I don’t have my 100,000 VC either. I was gifted the Jordan Edition for $99.
I paid 150$ and never got my 100vc what do I do??
Same here it’s 9/22 and I have Championship edition and nothing yet. ?
I brought the deluxe version and only the standard downloaded ?? I’m pissed and want a refund
I did not play early nor did i do anything to make the game not give me my rewards just wanted to start day 1 with all i paid for kinda a bummer I have to wait even longer to get my content
As well ready to get started with my career and was expecting all my stuff to receive nothing
Did you receive yet? I’m having the same issue.