NBA 2K23 Error Code e434de73
The NBA 2K23 error code e434de73 has been causing a lot of trouble for some players. Namely, they just can’t load in certain builds. On the other hand, some characters load without any trouble whatsoever. So, just what is going on and is there anything you can do about it? Well, let’s try and find out together, shall we?

NBA 2K23 e434de73 Error Code
First off, why are you getting the e434de73 error code in NBA 2K23. It’s so out of the box, you’re not going to believe me. These are Bethesda levels of incompetence. From what I can gather from the fan base, the main cause for this error is trying to load in a build that has Rodman hair. Yes, really. People that have alternate builds without that particular hair have noticed that those characters never cause the error. But try to use a character with Rodman hair and boom, e434de73 error code. This has started since the latest patch, and I cannot even begin to understand how exactly it’s causing the bug. So, is there anything you can do about it?
As far as we know, there is no fix for the NBA 2K23 e434de73 error code. In some of the previous games in the franchise, you had a chance to edit your character before hopping into the Hood. That would be a super-easy fix. But in 2K23, you load straight into the Hood, which means that there’s no way to take off that Rodman hair. The best you can do is contact 2K support and hope that the devs eventually put out some kind of hotfix. In the meantime, your build with colored hair is pretty much dead. And I wouldn’t hold my breath, because I’m certain most of them are working in 2K24. If you know of any workaround, let us know in the comments. You’ll save plenty of people a major headache.
UPDATE: According to our readers T’Que and Psn:wayvproductions, you can fix this problem by loading into a different build, equip a mascot (like the skeleton) and then quit to the main menu. From there, try to load the problematic build, and it you should be fine. This may not work for everybody. T’Que also says that you can create a new build, go through the story mode and change the hair once you get to the Neighborhood that way. Try both and see whether it works.
Same man idk
2k find a way to fix this bug or I will report and sue you all because I’m losing money and time
Tried Every Option, Only one that worked was the MyGM method where you edit head and change hair, make a new build, wear a mascot (I used the snowman one). Go to the builds with the rodman hair, change hair to literally anything and boom you can remove the mascot and access mycareer. Welcome Back Players 🙂
bro i can save the head but i go to my career try to load in and it stops at 96% everytime and give me the e434de73 error code
Same thing is happening to me man. Any fix for it?
Mine gets stuck at 61% when loading in and then loads to 96% and gives error code e434de73. I even tried changing my whole characters appearance and it didn’t work. I have a 99 overall that I can’t even play.
Go onto a different build and equip skeleton mascot
Bro I tried putting on the skeleton mascot and it doesn’t work dude is just capping for fun
I got y’all. Go to MyLeague, then go to MyGm. Pick ranked or unranked and pick any team. Once you get to the calendar hit B or O. Scroll through the menu until you see edit head. Change your hair from the Rodman hair. Then after that make another build in MyCareer.
Works in some of my my players but not on my main ? Any help
Nvm I finally figured it out
What u did
Bro do anybody know a different way?
How u did it bc it’s not letting me create a new build
It won’t let me create a new player so I can change to my mascot this is bs I paid to play just got level 40 99 ovr on all my builds and I can’t even enjoy my purchase 2k y’all owe me
How you get it to work ? I can’t even make a new player
I been with 2k forever this is by far the worst smallest problem to fix we need some fa the inconvenience I pay to much on 2k!!
So there’s a fix to the problem. (Only works if you have mascots)
1st you want to load into a different build ,
Then you would equip a mascot (skeleton or w.e)
After you equipped the mascot quit to main menu
You load in to the account that wouldn’t load.
And it should be working
Let’s go man ! Appreciate ur help that fix my problem ! Thk my G !
Anytime, I’m seeing it’s not working for everyone but glad it’s working for some hopefully Friday they patch it up with the new season launch. Also once your back on the build switch the hairstyle.
Bro I bought a skeleton just to try this for y’all please don’t do it that shit don’t work
No cap it worked for me
Appreciate that my boi I was finna need a new tv lol
I switched hairstyles and tried to log on the glitched build but it’s still not working and Im still getting the error code
The skeleton mask God worked for me thought I spent $10 for nothing thank God I hate them other builds this is my main one and he ball out scored 55 in the rec last time I played through they was trying to h** me
didnt work for me any more specifics?
Still didn’t work
So I Found A Way .. Choose Another Build Or Create Another Build And Change Its Hair !! The Problem Is The Rodman Hair Color. To Change The Hair Click On A New Build Or Create One And Then Do The Story Mode, You Get To The Menu To Go To The Neighborhood And Change Appearances That’s Where You Do It Click Edit Face Change The Hair And Your Good To Go Or If You Have A Skeleton Put That On And Then Change The Hair. but That’s The Glitch ! Hope It Helps If So Add Me On PSN @TQue_TK Am s Let’s Ball !
I tried this and it’s still not working I don’t have enough to try the mascot method
bru you duh goat mane you got my 99 ove back you a legend mane
This worked for me bro! Thanks!!
I did the mascot method and it still didn’t work for me im xbox you got any other methods and im on current gen
Appreciate the advice my guy. Big help!! Was about to lose it. Lol
I’m trying it now
It’s happened to me it won’t even let me make a new build it’s crazy caus I spend money with them and my 99 is gone wow so hurt I’ma digg deeper to this cause they taken our money and we not getting nun in return but a no build plase fox this
Yeah this sucks I been grinding all week to waking up not playing at all it sucks man I better get vc and my badges back
man ion have any typa fix for this but. I just wanna say this is hilarious. 2k is a joke man little problem like this at this point in the game shouldn’t happen I’ve played 2k since 2k 9 on the Wii I wanna say, and in my opinion it’s a constant battle for the game to stay good. One year shootings good but dribbling mechanics suck and your loading screens slow. Then next year load in fast but you can’t use your builds cause of hair ?? The rewards are worse and worse every season. I’m honestly getting tired of 2k man. We need another basketball game.
Aye it’s a easy fix if you have a skeleton put it on with a build that doesn’t have the hairstyle then load on to the build that does and change it.
Ik how to fix it make a new my player and change the hair on there and it will change it on all ur players and u will be able to play again