How to Beat Horse in NBA 2K23 Courting Calloway Free Shots
If you’re struggling with how to beat Horse in the NBA 2K23 Courting Calloway Free Shots quest and win against Keon, you’ve come to the right place. We are going to give you two strategies that you can use in order to just blaze through this part of the mission. It might still require a bit of practice, but you should be able to handle it no problem. Plus, we’ll explain the rules of the game, just in case you need it.

How to Win Horse in Courting Calloway in NBA 2K23
To beat the game of Horse (or H.O.R.S.E. for all you sticklers), in the NBA 2K23 Courting Calloway quest, you have to take a shot and sink it. Then, your opponent has to match you, or they get a letter. If you miss, you get a letter. The first one to get all the five letters that spell out the word “horse” loses. I know most of you know how the rules work, but we might get people who don’t, so we have to cover all our bases. Anyways, the point here is to figure out how to win this game easiest. The answer here seems to be jump shots, and try to make them green (more on that in our How to Get Green Shots guide).
When we talk about free shots and the part of the quest where you have to win in free throw competition, we strongly suggest to turn the difficulty down to rookie. I know that most of you don’t want to spend VC or attributes on Free Shots, but this will help you get green shots.
So, that’s one of the easiest way to beat the game of Horse in the NBA 2K23 Courting Calloway quest. However, what if jump shots are a problem for you? Well, the alternative is hook shots, that will help you if you are center. In fact, you can even go with those from the beginning, and you should do just fine. Do them from inside the free throw line, and again, make sure they land green. It’s pretty easy to do with a little practice and for some reason, the AI is just gonna keep missing them. Not every shot, but most of them. This strategy should help you win the game of H.O.R.S.E. in no time. If you have a different strategy that you think also works well, let us know in the comments.
I’m on ps5
Failed every time on ps5 its a glitch. Can’t go further. You always win but objectives always failed
Im on ps5 pf can’t shoot just spammed from the free throw line and one
I did it just shoot threes outside the court
3’s from out of bounds. He can’t go outside.
There is absolutely no way to beat him if you can’t shoot