Christmas Uniforms now available in NBA 2K17
Christmas Uniforms are now available in NBA 2K17. All 30 NBA teams have now received their own Christmas edition jerseys for you to try on in the game. They look really nice, and you should definitely log in and check them out. This is definitely a great move by 2K, bringing us constant minor updates that make the game feel fresh as it follows the regular NBA season.

Also, there are new Moments Challenges in MyTeam mode. They are not that difficult, and you should complete them to strengthen your roster and earn some MT.
- Christmas Rick Barry – You must use droppin’ 50 Rick Barry and two Warriors players to participate. The goal is to score 50 points with Rick Barry and you will receive 12 000 MT
- Christmas Bernard King – The goal is simple: you need to score 60 points as a team, and you will receive 6000 MT. There are no lineup restrictions.
- Christmas Nate Archibald – Using 4 Kings players in your lineup, you need to have 18 assists as a team and you will receive 4000 MT.
- Christmas Michael Jordan – There are no lineup restrictions, you just need to beat Jordan’s team and you will receive 2500 MT
- Christmas Wilt Chamberlain – You need to get 36 rebounds as a team with no lineup restrictions. The reward is 6000 MT.
Keep in mind that, in Challenge mode, you need to complete your objective, and you also need to win the game to receive your reward. Rick Barry’s challenge could be a bit difficult to complete, but you should have no problem completing the other challenges that involve team objectives. Completing all of them will grant you more that 30 000 MT and a nice challenge over the holidays.
Let us know in the comment section below: Do you like the new Christmas uniforms and which one do you like the most? See you all on the court !