Alternate Costumes Guide | Mortal Kombat X
Alternate Costumes are different outfits for your fighters in Mortal Kombat X. In order to use them, you’ll need to unlock them in the game first.
After you’ve done that, press Square (X on Xbox) in the character selection screen, and you’ll see all the costumes you have for the selected character. In this guide, we’ll show you all the Alternate costumes, what they look like and how to unlock them.

Wrathful Shinnok: Beat a Classic Tower as Shinnok.

Kraken Reptile: DLC, isn’t released yet.

Kahnum Mileena: Unlocked by surviving 20 rounds in the Endless Tower with Mileena.
Tournament Mileena: Bought in the Krypt (540 Koins), in the Cemetery Grounds area (-18, 9), OR by beating the Klassic Tower with her.
Vampiress Mileena: DLC, not out yet.

Revenant Kitana: Get a gold rating on a Living Tower.
Klassic Kitana: Unlocked using the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.
Dark Empress Kitana: Unlocked by leveling Brotherhood of Shadows to level 35, OR by beating Premium Tower with Goro, OR by getting gold on two hourly living towers as Kitana.

Revenant Kung Lao: Unlocked by winning 30 matches in King Of The Hill.

Revenant Liu Kang: Beat 8 consecutive Challenge Towers.
Dark Emperor Liu Kang: Unlocked by beating 10 Tower Challenges.

Revolution Kano: DLC, not out yet.

Hotshot Johnny Cage: Unlocked by beating 10 survival games.
Ninja Mime Johnny Cage: Unlocked using the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.

Revenant Jax: Unlocked by gettin 15 flawless victories in Kustom Kombat (possibly with a 1% health modifier).
Farmer Jax: Unlocked using the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.

Pharaoh Ermac: DLC, not out yet.

Kuai Liang Sub Zero – Unlocked by beating Klassic Tower with Sub-Zero, OR found in the Krypt, in the Lost Mausoleum area (3, 3).
Tundra Sub Zero: DLC, isn’t out yet.
Dark Raiden – Unlocked in the Krypt, in one of the chests in the Dark Pass area of Netherrealm, OR bought in Khan’s Stronghold (-1, 14).
Tournament Raiden: Bought in the Krypt (2350 Koins) in the Walkway of Souls area (-17, 19).
Hanzo Hasashi Scorpion: Unlocked by beating Chapter 10 of the Story Mode.
Injustice Scorpion: Unlocked by beating 100 ladders on the mobile version.
Kintaro Goro: Unlocked by beating Klassic Tower with Goro, on Hard, with a Gold rating.
Motherland Sonya Blade: DLC, cannot be unlocked yet.
We also have a guide for choosing Alternate Color Scheme For Costumes.
Cassie Cage
Endurance Cassie Cage: is in the Krypt, the first area you enter, near the back (-1, 10). Endurance Cassie also can be unlocked by beating Klassic tower with Cassie.
Shinnok Alternate Skins
Shinnok: In netherrealm of the krypts, OR in the Friggid Burrows area (0, 17)Wrathful Shinnok: Beat a Classic Tower as Shinnok.

Reptile Outfits
Tournament Reptile: Bought in the Krypt (470 Koins), in the Kavern of Doom area (15, 16), OR by beating the Klassic Tower with him.Kraken Reptile: DLC, isn’t released yet.

Mileena Alternative Costumes
Klassic Mileena: Unlocked using the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.Kahnum Mileena: Unlocked by surviving 20 rounds in the Endless Tower with Mileena.
Tournament Mileena: Bought in the Krypt (540 Koins), in the Cemetery Grounds area (-18, 9), OR by beating the Klassic Tower with her.
Vampiress Mileena: DLC, not out yet.

Kitana Costumes
Tournament Kitana: Unlocked by beating the normal Tower / Bought in the Krypt (980 Koins), in the Frozen Graves area (1, 6).Revenant Kitana: Get a gold rating on a Living Tower.
Klassic Kitana: Unlocked using the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.
Dark Empress Kitana: Unlocked by leveling Brotherhood of Shadows to level 35, OR by beating Premium Tower with Goro, OR by getting gold on two hourly living towers as Kitana.

Kotal Kahn Alternative Skins
Osh-Tekk Warrior Kotal Kahn: Unlocked by beating Klassic Tower with Kotal Kahn, on Normal, OR bought in the Krypt (2100 Koins), in the Grotto of Gore area (-8, 8).
Kung Jin
Shadow Kung Jin: Unlocked in the Krypt, in the Gallery of Shadows area (-1, 4), OR by beating Klassic Tower as him.
Kung Lao Costumes
Tournament Kung Lao: Unlocked by beating Medium Tower with Kung Lao, OR in the Krypt, in the Hollow Grounds area (-3, 19).Revenant Kung Lao: Unlocked by winning 30 matches in King Of The Hill.

Liu Kang Alternate Outfits
Tournament Liu Kang: Bought in the Krypt (940 Koins), in Khans Fortress area (1, 11).Revenant Liu Kang: Beat 8 consecutive Challenge Towers.
Dark Emperor Liu Kang: Unlocked by beating 10 Tower Challenges.

Kano Costumes
Tournament Kano: Bought in the Krypt (2300 Koins), in the Walkway of Souls area (-15, 19), OR by beating Klassic Tower as him.Revolution Kano: DLC, not out yet.

Johnny Cage Outfits
Tournament Johnny Cage: Unlocked by beating the normal Tower / Bought in the Krypt (1470 Koins), in Shao Khans Tomb area (1, 6).Hotshot Johnny Cage: Unlocked by beating 10 survival games.
Ninja Mime Johnny Cage: Unlocked using the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.

Jax Alternative Costumes
Tournament Jax: Unlocked by beating Klassic Tower with Jax, OR found in the Krypt, in the Cemetery Grounds area (-19, 8).Revenant Jax: Unlocked by gettin 15 flawless victories in Kustom Kombat (possibly with a 1% health modifier).
Farmer Jax: Unlocked using the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.

Erron Black
Outcast Erron Black: In the krypt at at -2, 9 in Frozen Graves, or by beating Klassic Tower with Erron Black.
Ferra/Torr Costumes
Master And Servant Ferra/Torr: is unlocked in the krypt. In the Shadow Spider Kave, right hand side somewhere in the first open room (6, 8)
Jacqui Briggs Skins
Boot Camp Jacqui Briggs: Unlocked by beating the Klassic Tower with Jacqui Briggs, OR bought in the Krypt (1900 Koins) in the Garden of Despair area (-8, 8).
Ermac Alternative Outfit
Tournament Ermac: Beat Klassic tower in any difficulty with Ermac, or unlock in the Krypt, in the Cemetery Grounds area (-21, 9).Pharaoh Ermac: DLC, not out yet.

D’Vorah Alternate Skins
Kytinn Queen D’Vorah: Bought in the Krypt (1240 Koins), in Chamber of Bones area (-7, 12), OR by beating Klassic Tower as her.
Revenant Sub Zero – Unlocks by beating Test your might. All 10 matches.Kuai Liang Sub Zero – Unlocked by beating Klassic Tower with Sub-Zero, OR found in the Krypt, in the Lost Mausoleum area (3, 3).
Tundra Sub Zero: DLC, isn’t out yet.
Cyber Raiden – If you have logged in WB Play account.Dark Raiden – Unlocked in the Krypt, in one of the chests in the Dark Pass area of Netherrealm, OR bought in Khan’s Stronghold (-1, 14).
Tournament Raiden: Bought in the Krypt (2350 Koins) in the Walkway of Souls area (-17, 19).
Tournament Scorpion: Unlocked in the Krypt, Kaverns of Doom area, OR bought in the Spider Gem Hold area (5, 28).Hanzo Hasashi Scorpion: Unlocked by beating Chapter 10 of the Story Mode.
Injustice Scorpion: Unlocked by beating 100 ladders on the mobile version.
Unconfirmed, but some people have reported unlocking a Goro costume this way:Kintaro Goro: Unlocked by beating Klassic Tower with Goro, on Hard, with a Gold rating.
Shirai Ryu Takeda: Unlocked by beating Klassic Tower with Takeda, OR in the Krypt, Garden of Despair area (-5, 10).Kenshi
Tournament Kenshi: Bought in the Krypt (1870 Koins), in the Dark Pass area (6, 17).Quan Chi
Tournament Quan Chi: Unlocked in the Krypt, in the Frozen Graves area (-1, 8).Sonya Blade
Tournament Sonya Blade: Unlocked by beating Klassic Tower with Sonya, OR in the Krypt, Shadow Spider’s Hive area.Motherland Sonya Blade: DLC, cannot be unlocked yet.
add rain please he a good player
evil sub zero is hard to get along with kintana socpion kung lu
I find it pretty hard to get revenent subzero im on the last one tho so yay? I guess its hard and I havnt gotten the skin yet it’s hard to beat anybody with advise please tell meh 8 skins via mobile mortal kombat x
Sorry but how do you unlock the costumes via the mobile app? I haven’t seemed to figure that out yet,
I have got all skins and dlc’s
How do you unlock kintaro goro skin I have got goro
1st,for the dark empress kitana thing,you just have to get a gold medal on the hourly tower,you don’t have to play as goro or kitana,and tournament scorpion can be unlocked by completing klassic tower as him
I beat the klassic towers on hard with goro and got gold rating achieving about 1.3 million and didn’t unlock Kintaro 🙁 what’s up with that?
I only played through 3 rounds of Test Your Might and got Revenant Sub-Zero.
The goro thing is a lie
I beat Living Tower and got a Gold Rank but I did not get revenant kitana can someone help me ( I don’t have the costume before I did it )
When are the new skins for predator coming out…if at all??
This may take a while…
I unlocked Kahnum Mileena by reaching 18 rounds in endless with Mileena but my friend got ot at 16 rounds with Jax.Also i got Dark Emperor Liu by playing (i think) 10 challenge towers and beating them all with Cassie.At last i played with goro on the premium and didnt unlock dark empress.Does anyone know how to unlock her and revenant Kitana and Liu?
I got dark empress kitanna by geting bronze on an hourly living tower
so…for completing these requirements if you have to beat it do skip fights work as well?
To get Revenant Kitana just play King of the Hill. I was playin, giving and receiving respect and then i got Revenant Kitana and Revenant Kung Lao
So, alot of you are saying we unlock it by giving 250 respect points and i did that. I allso did “Get gold on a living tower” multiple times.
So does anyone have clear knowledge of how you unlock it and not just a troll or anything like that?
Revenant Kitana you must give 250 points on King of The Hill, you dont need to play, just give points, enter in a room and stay AFK mode, the skin dont appear on screem, you must go on kollection or search for her on pratice mode or something….
Anyone knows about baraka or cabal playing in mortal kombat x? Maybe the scorpions cold war costume?
To unlock rev kitana u just need to play with sub zero at 10 or 8 tower and beat her when suddenly appears
Fucking hate it when content is locked behind a totally different platform. I for instance simply don’t own a phone which is able to run the app, so I’m fucked. “Good job”.
Totally know what you are talking about…kinda pisses me off when i heard this type of unlock Bullshit
I completely agree. Especially locking an awesome costume like injustice Scorpion. for someone who like to unlock all content, this is frustrating.
if there was a kintaro skin it would be in extra’s, you can see all locked costumes so
I got Dark Empress Kitana with only a Silver in the hourly tower
I’m not sure that we can obtain revenant kitana with the living tower’s way.. My xbox don’t want to in any case..
I survived 20 rounds of endless tower with mileena to unlock her alternate skin but I never got it, can someone help me?
Just got dark empress kitana by beating the daddy’s girl hourly tower. Lol.
What is the mobile app and how do I get it???
Apple App Store or Google play store, I have android, just type in Mortal Kombat X. For some reason, the books will come up before the app, just look under the app section, and it will be there. The Mobile game is actually pretty cool
Goro is fake
No he’s not
just got empress kitana by beating living tower premier towe r with Goro. i beat all the contestants with kitana except for the last match I beat using Goro…and I got bronze rating which mite b a factor!! So damn happy!!!
I’m not getting revenant kitana someone please help 🙁
I can confirm that Hotshot Johnny is unlocked by winning Survivor 10 times WITHOUT losing.
Rev Liu Kang is 25 ranked wins.
Currently trying to unlock Rev Lao and Rev Kitana.
Also for Rev Kitana, you need to give 10’s in KOTH 10 TIMES IN ONE SESSION. Meaning you can’t go to different sessions and hand out 10’s, you need to do it ten times in one session.
Confirmed 100% for revenant liu kang is 25 ranked wins
OMG im waiting for the new DLC
Tournament Sonya blade isn’t in the spider hive, its in acid falls -7, 25 (timed chest) 92koin
Anyone know how to get revenant kitana, I beat the living towers all on gold. I havnt been awarded it.
You have to play king of the hill, and you have to keep giving 10’s
To get revenant kitana, you give 250 respect on King of the hill
What is a “Tower Challenge” exactly? Does it refer to the dragon challenges you sometimes get in one of the various towers? Or does it mean any tower? Or does refer to Challenge Towers that you can only get from friends? No one has ever explained this. There is nothing called a “Tower Challenge” from what I have seen in the game so far.
I have the same confusion with king of the hill, is that survivor, if so why not call it that
Go into towers>Tower challenges>New tower challenge
will someone help me with the johnny cage hot shot costume? does it mean king of the hill survival or ten matches in survival tower,don’t want to make that mistake again.
I made a short and quick video tutorial explaining how to unlock Revenant Kitana. It has nothing at all to do with the living towers, at least in my case. Instead you had to have awarded a total of 100 Respect points to various players in King of the Hill. Here is the video for reference, please respond with some confirmations if possible.
Does anyone know how to unlock Sonya Blade’s “Major Blade” costume?
I want to say i got it through story completion. I’m not sure, but i had it unlocked after i finished story mode.
Go into towers>Tower challenges>New tower challenge
For kitanas Empress costume u need to complete 10 towers* not w.e is said up there ^ I got gold everytime I did it but I don’t think u need it. but just aim for gold every tower run just to make sure
I see up top the way to unlock Revenant Liu Kang is 8 consecutive challenge towers. Does anyone know if that’s legit? Everywhere else I look says it’s unlocked through ranked online and thats not possible for me lol. Any help would be much appreciated.
I played AS Liu Kang doing challenge towers for hours. I have unlocked the Dark Emperor Liu Kang skin by completing ten or so tower challenges (It felt like a bit more than ten, so just keep doing them), i played and completed about eleven challenge towers in a row and have had no luck obtaining the Revenant Liu Kang skin.. So id guess you have to do ranked matches unfortunately. Unless I’m doing something wrong? Please inform.
On ps4 revenant Luisa kangaroo is unlocked by beating the 10 war towers, dark emperor Luisa kangaroo is unlocked by getting level 10 on special moves, you can check what level you are at by going to offline stats and scrolling right where you will see the levels you have reached for performing various things like fatalitys, faction kills, brutalities, reversals, throws etc.
Yea I’ve been seeing a lot of people saying they got it getting the special moves to level 10. I really hope it’s true. It has been a long time on kustom kombat repeating moves. I really hope it unlocks “Revenant Luisa Kangaroo”.
I’m still trying to get rev liu kang I’ve done 10 war towers 10 challenge towers got my special moves level up too 10 next I’m gonna work on fatality level up to 10 I got the dark one unlocked doin the challenge towers but revenant is givin me a hard time
Tournament Sonya is in the Krypt(forgot the exact area i believe spider cave) or you can beat traditional tower like all tournament skins
The skin is in the area where you get Kenshi’s sword
You guys I confirm just getting Dark Empress Kitana by completing a Hourly Tower getting a GOLD score playing as her
1.) The unlocks listed for dark empress Kitana are wrong
2.) I have no idea how I unlocked revenant Kitana (sorry I wasnt paying attention when I unlocked her)
2.)To unlock dark empress just play as Kitana on the hourly living tower over and over (while getting a gold rating, also im not sure how many times but its less than 10).
3.)To unlock dark emporor Liu Kang jut play 10 “tower challange” towers.
4.)To unlock hotshot johnny cage win 10 survivor games.
5.)The listed way to unlock Jax is ALMOST right but not quite
6.) To unlock revenant jax go to kustom kombat and play 15 games with only getting flawless victories over and over (you may use another controller for this).
7.)Goro has no skins. that alleged skin is a troll
In that case rating prolly doesn’t matter at all
I did it in this exact process: beat a premium tower with goro (sorry wasn’t paying attention to rating) then beat 3 different hourly towers with katana (gold on all), then beat premium tower with katana (gold), then tried a daily with katana (gold) that’s when I got it. Maybe you just need to beat all three towers once with her, not sure. Hope this helps.
hotshot johnny i need a certain amount of wins per game or just play 10 times?
Have to win 10 times
i call bullshit on that liu kang revenant skin being unlocked by beating 8 back to back challenge towers… i did 10 and got nothing
It’s 10 consecutive war towers (on the factions menu) it works, I got it.
I just did 11 an he did not unlock
are any modifications needed?
***************************************************Revenant kitana: give 250 Respect points in king of the hill to ohter players! 100% works.
it gives no unlock window, but u can choose kitans revenant skin! *******************************************************************
Tournament Mileena location is -18, 9 Cemetery Grounds
hotshot johnny cage is glitched out…u get it by completing story but its so not unlocking until a patch comes
nope you get it from survival (10 wins)
Got 15 survival wins and Hotshot Johnny still didn’t unlock. Got 2 Gold ratings a piece on Daily, Hourly, and Premier Living Tower all with Kitana (except for Premier:Goro)
and didn’t unlock either Kitana Costume. Also did 10 Challenge Towers in a row with Lui King and I did unlock Dark Emperor but not Revenant.
Like 10 wins with anyone? Or 10 wins Johnny? Or play survival 10 times and get 10 wins each time? Because I I beat 16 people and didn’t unlock it.
i unlocked dark emperor liu kang by hitting the challenge tower repeatedly….so is legit..a friend unlocked revenant liu kang by constantly playing ranked matches…he had streaks but dont that matters just win a certain amount since he unlocked it during a non streak time…he was at around 20…im on my way to testing this as i rarely hit the online as much
i heard to unlock revenant liuk ang u needto win 20 online ranked matches
10 of them to be exact
Chris is super right. Admin, please keep this up to date to the best of your abilities. It is the best and most accurate compilation of MK X skins information on the internet right now, and best laid out appearance.
Also I did see it was updated since the 15th so I suppose you are already doing so, haha! Keep it up!
i got the Klassic sub zero skin and i was wondering how i managed to do that and is there a way to do it for scorpion and reptile?
the skin was available for free its apart of the new dlc
I guarantee you will unlock dark emperor Liu Kang if you spam run about 10 or so random challenge towers, saw a thread with multiple people claiming that is how they got it, tried for myself and unlocked it this morning.
You can go to extras>kollection>character viewer and look at all of the available outfits. Here’s a list of the ones that are currently locked for me. I know some are upcoming DLC but I’d appreciate an explanation for those that aren’t.
Ermac- Pharoah
Jason- Jason
Jax- Farmer
Johnny Cage- Hotshot
Kano- Revolution
Kitana- Revenant, Klassic
Kung Lao- Revenant
Liu Kang- Revenant, ??? (Dark Emperor)
Mileena- Vampiress, Klassic
Reptile- Kraken
Scorpion- Kold War, Injustice, Gold Scorpion
Sonya Blade- Tournament, Motherland
Sub-Zero- Tundra
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Oh, and to the admin, I think you should do the character viewer thing and complete the list even if you don’t know how to get it. I’ve seen other lists and this one is definitely the most helpful and accurate so that’s just a tip to keep it that way. Thanks a bunch to the admin and all who have contributed 🙂
Ermac- Pharoah(DLC)
Jason- Jason(DLC)
Jax- Farmer(beat the battle mode crap on their mobile game)
Johnny Cage- Hotshot(Win 10 survival games)
Kano- Revolution(DLC)
Kitana- Revenant(gold on a living tower), Klassic(In the garbage mobile game, win a competitive tower. Also, competative towers are not a thing yet. So she is currently not unlockable)
Kung Lao- Revenant(win 30 King of the Hill Matches)
Liu Kang- Revenant(Still havent unlocked it so IDK sorry), ??? Dark Emperor(play 10 “tower challenges” towers)
Mileena- Vampiress(DLC), Klassic(Finish a challenge ladder in their garbage mobile game. This is not a thing yet so she is not unlockable)
Reptile- Kraken(DLC)
Scorpion- Kold War(Throw money at the collecters edition), Injustice(Complete 100 multiplayer ladders in the terrible mobile game, this is not a thing yet so you cant get it yet), Gold Scorpion(Throw money at the collecters edition)
Sonya Blade- Tournament(DLC), Motherland(DLC)
Sub-Zero- Tundra(DLC)
Samurai Pack (Samurai Shinnok, Ronin Kenshi, and Jingu Kitana)
Ultimate Horror Pack (Vampiress Mileena, Kraken Reptile, and Pharaoh Ermac) Klassic Pack #1 (Klassic Sonya, Klassic Liu Kang, and Klassic Kano)
Predator and Prey Pack (Infared Scorpion, Commando Johnny, and Carl Weathers as Dillon)
Klassic Pack #2 (Klassic Jax, Klassic Kung Lao, and Klassic Quan Chi)
Thats the best I can do.
Thanks so much man! Great reply! And I’m aware of the DLC characters and releases but what about those Cold War themed skins? Any idea of how or when we’ll be getting those?
Dylan got more than one wrong, just so you know. I’ll fix it up the best I can.
Jax- Farmer (Beat the third tier of towers in the mobile game)
Johnny Cage- Hotshot (Win 10 survival games is WRONG. I have this unlocked and have only done one survival and that’s NOT how I unlocked it.. but I don’t actually know what I was doing when I got it)
Kitana – Klassic (Get your character level to 40.. despite what Dylan said you CAN do this now.)
Scorpion- Kold War (This skin has NOTHING to do with the collectors edition and was actually a pre-order bonus that will likely be for sale later.)
Sonya Blade- Tournament (NOT DLC, don’t know where the hell he got that. You can either get it in the Krypt or by beating a Klassic tower with Sonya)
Well, I played the stupid app for a few days. I got Johnny cage card to 40. I did not unlock klassic kitana on Xbox.
Dexdude is right Sonya blade tournament is -7, 25 in acid falls
I got gold on a living tower and didn’t get revenant kitana
For farmer max complete the third bracket of fights on the mobile app.
How do you Unlock the Injustice Costume for Scorpion?
Complete 100 multiplayer ladders in mobile. I believe those ladders aren’t working at the time.
Just unlocked tournament scorpion skin. If anyone wants to know how, i got it by a random appearing chest inside the spider gem hold area in the spider cave. Costs just a few hundred coins.
For tournament costumes you have two choices buy in the krypton or complete klaus sic tower with the character the costume is meant for, there are a few exceptions, completing tower with sub zero gives you his Kuai Liang skin.
Also I am in Brotherhood of Shadow and I am rank 37 and I never unlocked Dark Empress Kitana so I tried the Premier Tower and I finished with gold and still didn’t get her. Wut deh fuh
you have to beat the towers a couple of times. I’m not sure if it has to be 5, but it something around that. There are also reports of people unlocking her without getting gold
That does make sense I beat 3 hourlys, 1 premium, and then 1 daily and got it finally (all gold ratings, all kitana).
U need to get gold and beat the premium tower with kitana.
Play as kitana on the hourly living tower twice, each at a different hour and get gold on both. (Dark Empress Kitana)
Dylan is flawlessly correct, everyone. Do make sure that they are different hours, and you get gold ratings.
Sorry but I did that didn’t work, two different hours gold on both. I did get it by beating a daily tower ok gold, by then I already got gold on 3 hourlys and a premium all with katana.
Oh. Well maybe the unlocks are different on each platform? I’m playing on PC through steam, and Dylan’s above comment is exactly how i unlocked DE Kitana.
Maybe, I’m on ps4, any clue how to get revenant? All that and I still didn’t get that one.
I found a forum that said all you need to do if give respect to players online. And i can confirm it. I just got it by hanging in a KOTH lobby on “AFK mode” constantly giving people 10 respect per match. After about 20 matches (Maybe a bit more) It wont say you unlocked it, but you will have it. Just keep giving respect!
Yeah kev tha’s how I got t but it turns out it’s 250 respect total.
he got dark empress an revenant mixed but revenent dosen’t work for some reason?
I was trying to get the Kahnum Mileena costume which says “beat 20 rounds of the endless tower” and I lost at my 17th round against Reptile so I was pretty bummed but then it said I unlocked the outfit anyway so I think the posted trigger is wrong.
It’s actually 15 wins on Endless
isnt it 10 fights which equls 20 rounds?
Why the heck does no one know liu Kangs unlocks?
Dark Emporor Liu Kang is unlocked by playing 10 “tower challenges” towers
What are tower challenges?? is it the same as challenge tower?? sorry for the ignorance
To get Jax Revenant you must get 15 flawless victories. Kustom Kombat (1% health modifier)
did that nothing
Dark Empress Kitana: Completed premium tower on gold but nothing happened
Play as kitana on the hourly living tower twice, each at a different hour and get gold on both. (Dark Empress Kitana)
Did that nothing happened, got gold on two different living towers.
Wrathful Shinnok is unlocked by beating a Klassic Tower with him.
No the nomal shinnok is i have wrathful but not regular shinnok.
Yes, I got Wrathful Shinnok the same way.
Revenant kung lao is winning 30 matches in king of the hill, i just got it
Can anyone else confirm this?
yes, I got it that way.
Can it be private match king of the hill? Technically it is online
I did koth survival 60 times still no kung lao
Dark Empress Kitana: Unlocked by leveling Brotherhood of Shadows to level 35
i just got to level 50 on Brotherhood faction and only unlocked the faction fatality
I don’t think this is quite right, I got this costume half way through levelling up white lotus, I think it,s something to do with a challenge tower.
how do u get revenate kitana
…stupid auto correct on an iPhone needs some brutality… So anyway klassic kitana complete competitive tower on console you get her in the phone app… How to get her on your console I have no clue. However I know it can be done saw her on YouTube for ps4.
You unlock her on the mobile app. You need to level up a card to level 40
The lassie kitana via mobile app is only console to mobile meaning you complete the competitive ladder on your console and get klaus six kitana on your phone or tablet. You need to explain that.
Kahnum Mileena: Complete 20 rounds in the “ENDLESS” tower, I spent literally 2 hours on that stupid “Survivor” tower to find out I was doing the wrong tower smh.
Yeah, if it’s anything like my experience, I bet you were screaming like a mad person.
You have to die after round 20 in order to get the Mileena costume in the endless tower. if you quit you wont get it.
they left out one of scorpions costumes…The injustice costume…almost nobody knows about it
how you get that?
Complete 100 multiplayer ladders in mobile. I believe those ladders aren’t working at the time.
Any one know when mobile multiplayer ladders will be released??
go into faction wars and do the 1v1 ladder it works
Kintaro Goro is false. Just finished klassic with Goro on hard and got gold. There is a mirror match where he has a cape but this is not the way you unlock it, if that’s even possible…and it’s a big headache so some people must be trolling.
thank you for confirming what I was reading the comments for lol
That Kintaro Goro, is it true? I don’t believe it at all. Pictures would be nice, but I can bet it’s fake.
Is the kintaro skin for goro legit?
No sir…
It’s a PC mods
No you can’t get skins for dlc characterso like goro or triborg
I found the Jacqui Briggs outfit at -8,8 in the crypt
Hey, would someone help me? I beat the Premier tower as Goro (the only character it lets you use) and it didn’t unlock the Dark Empress Kitana. I also survived 20 Rounds with Mileena in the Endless tower and it didn’t unlock the Kahnum Outfit neither. Would someone please reply with detailed instructions please. Thank you.
I was able to unlock the dark empress kitana by getting gold on a daily tower and I got the mileena costume from beating 20 rounds in the endless tower with shinnok. I’m pretty sure some of the costume unlocks are not working properly especially if you have to get them from a living tower.
For Dark Empress Kitana I’m not exactly sure but….. I did living towers: hourly and daily (got gold), then i did the premier tower (dark empress kitana was the final fight)(i got silver less than 1k shy of gold)
and unlocked dark empress kitana. (I play on medium difficulty)
Idk why u didnt get mileenas costume but u need to do the premium tower 3 times as kitana.
I’ve just unlocked Revenant Liu Kang by playing 60 matches online. Although I’m not sure if that’s the actual reason why I got it. I didn’t level up my Faction, perform a certain number of Special Moves or anything.
You get revenant Luisa kangaroo for reaching special moves level 10
No one actually knows how to unlock Dark Empress Kitana. It seems to be something to do with Living Towers, so just keep doing them over and over, and eventually, it will unlock.
get gold in a hourly tower
Got Dark Emporess from completing story mode
No, you did not, because it is impossible to do so. You NEED a gold goal completion in a living tower. Stop lying.
I got Dark empress from completing more then 15 fighters on endless tower, I also got a gold in it which might have been a factor.
I got it all I did was fight her when she popped up instantly unlocked.
lies I beat it I don’t have
Which difficulty were you on?
What difficulty?
You get dark empress kitana by beating Living towers 2 with atleast a score of 50,000
Its really easy to get dark empress kitana
I did it with my dad
Ok so I got it from getting gold on a daily tower with Katana, however I must note I previously tried beating a premium tower as goro (not sure if I got gold), I then tried getting gold on 3 different hourly towers with katana, then tried getting gold on a premium tower with katana, and then I tried the daily tower and got it. Not sure if you need to just get gold on each or what.
I got mileenas alternate costume from making it to round 20 in endless with mileena, I lost on round 20 (pure bs) but was happy when I was awarded the costume. So point being you don’t need to beat round 20 just make it to the opponent. I did win one round so idk.
I was trying to get the Kahnum Mileena costume last night and only made it to round 18 but was still awarded the costume..
How many times did u do the living towers
it’s after getting 14 wins not 30, this author of the page is just an idiot..
Actually it’s 15 rounds
To get the empress, you have to beat the premium tower daddy’s little girl, or any MAYBE, as i got it from the daddys little girl tower. For the kahnumyou have to survive over 20 rounds of the endless tower, not just up to 20, but over. Hope it helps c:
You need to get to twenty and lose on the twentieth match
All I did was play all 3 living towers everyday
then I got Dark Empress. It doesn’t matter what character. Just keep playing the tower.
i did the 15 flawless in k.k for jax but didnt get it Soooooo…
OK so to get 15 flawless with the two player kustom match is not enough we got it by putting on 4 danger modifiers (so 2 dangers on each side) then after that it doesn’t matter which characters you use, you just have to win the rounds flawless (so don’t attack when you have played the match 14 times just have player 2 stand there. When I say beat him player 2 15 times that means fifteen games not round 1 round 2 counts as 2 I mean play 15 games in other words flawless victory him both rounds 15 times in a row. you can rematch and same modifiers so good luck we got it
There is RNG involved.
Try the other two towers.
I unlock the Dark Empress Kitana from the Daliy tower.
Thats Fucking messed up
keep doing it
I bought kold war scorpion for free.
Mileena Kahnum can be unlocked from the krypt. Dark Empress Kitana, well, she’s unlocked as mentioned above. Also, when I play the premier tower, for some reason, I only get Scorpion.
revenant lui kang is 25 or more wins in 1v1 rank match
Me too! 😀