Mortal Kombat X

MKX Alternate Color Scheme For Costumes
There are different colored skins for each outfit in Mortal Kombat X – one for player 1 and another for player 2, in case both…

MKX Alternate Costumes Guide
Alternate Costumes are different outfits for your fighters in Mortal Kombat X. In order to use them, you’ll need to unlock them in the game…

MKX Chest Krypt Locations
Chests and tombs are containers in Mortal Kombat X. They can be found while exploring the Krypt – inside them, you’ll find various rewards, like…

MKX Unlockable Krypt Inventory Items
The Krypt is an area where you can spend koins earn through playing Mortal Kombat X and unlock fatalities, brutalities, alternate costumes, concept art, and…
Mortal Kombat X ARCHIVE
How To Earn Koins In MKX
Koins are a type of currency in Mortal Kombat X. You need them for opening chests in the Krypt and unlocking fatalities, costumes and more….
MKX Netherrealm Kamidogu Guide
Netherrealm Kamidogu is an item in Mortal Kombat X. It is a badge that allows you to access the Netherrealm area of the Krypt. In…
MKX Beginner’s Guide
Mortal Kombat X is a one-on-one fighting game. Getting good at it means not only memorizing attack sequences and combos, but also embracing the principles…
Knockout Trophy / Achievement Guide
Knockout is a trophy/achievement in Mortal Kombat X. To unlock it, you’ll need to perform a 10 hit combo with every character. With some, performing…
How to download Goro in MKX
All players who have pre-ordered the digital version of Mortal Kombat X, can download Goro fighter. If you have any problems and your character is locked you should first check out if the game is completely installed. After that open…
Terrifying Encounter Trophy / Achievement Guide
Terrifying Encounter is a trophy/achievement in Mortal Kombat X. In order to unlock it, you’ll need to visit the Krypt and get attacked by an…
MKX Secret Fatalities
Mortal Kombat X Secret Fatalities or Hidden Fatalities are finishers which button combinations are hidden in the move list. There are 26 Secret Fatalities in…
Need A Doctor Trophy / Achievement Guide
X-Rays are special moves in Mortal Kombat X. They are performed by pressing L2+R2 on Playstation or LT+RT on Xbox. When activated, the character will…
Character Variations Guide
Character Variations are alternate versions of warriors in Mortal Kombat X. Each fighter has three variations, and every variation has a couple of unique moves,…
MKX Controls List
Mortal Kombat X is all about having control over your character. In this guide, we’ll show you the basic controls used for moving, performing attacks,…
MKX Achievements and Trophies List
While fighting your way up the tower in Mortal Kombat X, you also be unlocking achievements/trophies. If you’re playing on Playstation, you’ll have the chance…
PC System Requirements
The system requirements for the PC version of Mortal Kombat X have been revealed. Read on if you want to see what kind of computer…