Monster Hunter World Tailriders Give Your Palico New Skills & Equipment

Tailriders in Monster Hunter World, aka Grimalkyne, are basically wild Palicos. You can find them in different areas in the map after tracking them down. They can then teach your Palico new skills, and grant it new items. They can even help your sidekick learn the language of the local animals and smaller monsters.

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Monster Hunter World Tailriders Give Your Palico New Skills & Equipment
Monster Hunter World Tailriders Give Your Palico New Skills & Equipment

Your Palico is a pretty important part of Monster Hunter World. It’s not only your cute-looking cat companion. It’s your loyal sidekick, helpful in combat, and can help you out of some tight situations. Therefore, it’s important that they get the chance to learn new skills and earn new equipment. That’s where the Tailriders, or the Grimalkyne, come into play. They are essentially wild Palicos, and they can teach your Palico new tricks that can come in super-handy.

The Grimalkyne are scattered around the different areas in Monster Hunter World. You’ll have to track them, much like you would monsters. Their symbol is a doodle, which is like a little shape with a paw-print in the middle. By finding them, you’ll slowly track down where the Tailriders are. Sometimes, they’ll join up with you, but in other cases, like when you find their camp, they will teach your Palico new stuff. For example, they know the language of local animals. Once your furry friend learns this language, it can talk to the smaller monsters, and then ride them into battle, which is pretty cool. They can also grant your Palico new items. The Game Informer video below shows off the Shieldspire. This item essentially draws aggro to the Palico, giving you a breather.

The Grimalkyne might also give you quests in the game, like some other Monster Hunter World NPCs do. Perhaps you’ll have to complete some activities before they help you upgrade your Palico. We’ll have to wait and see when Monster Hunter World comes out on January 26th, 2018.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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