Monster Hunter World Super Abalone Locations - What A Bunch of Abalone
Super Abalone is a crafting material in Monster Hunter World. It can be found in the Coral Highlands, and you’ll need to collect ten for a quest called What A Bunch of Abalone. It is obtained by harvesting a material node on the map, but the node doesn’t have the same name as the ingredient. We’re going to help you finish this quest by showing you a list of Monster Hunter World Super Abalone locations.

What a Bunch of Abalone Quest
The mission is a four star delivery quest meant for characters at HR 6 or higher. It involves getting ten pieces of a new cooking ingredient for the Meowscular Chef, who will reward you with 3600 coins and a new ingredient in the canteen.
Where to find Super Abalone in MHW?
Go to the Coral Highlands. Your destination is a cluster of nodes on the middle floor, in sector 5. You’d expect their name to be similar to the item you’re looking for, the Super Abalone. It’s not. The node you want to harvest is called the Conch Shell. You’ll find several of them grouped in sector 5 – loot them, and you should get three items out of each. If you don’t manage to fulfill your goal after one round, stick around. The nodes will refill themselves after a while.
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