Monster Hunter World Ships 13 Million Copies Worldwide
If Capcom’s numbers are to be believed, Monster Hunter World is doing staggeringly well. So much so, that, according to the newest announcement via Twitter, they’ve shipped thirteen million copies of Monster Hunter World worldwide, presumably across all platforms. To celebrate, they’re adding a special item pack as a daily login bonus. You’ll be able to pick it up from July 25th to August 29th.

The numbers that Monster Hunter World has risen to are astounding to me. I don’t like this type of game, and so, it’s hard for me to understand. That said, I’m super happy that so many people have found something to like. Good for all of you, and I mean that sincerely. My personal tastes aside, the numbers are truly amazing. According to a new tweet from the Monster Hunter Twitter, Capcom has shipped thirteen million copies of the game worldwide.
To celebrate the occasion, the developers have added a special item pack for people still playing the game. You’ll earn it by logging into the game anytime between July 25th and August 29th, according to the same tweet. So, it’s basically an extra special daily login bonus. Inside the pack will be one Attack Jewel, thirteen Appreciation Tickets, thirteen Silver Eggs, three Gold Wyvern Print, and three Heavy Armor Spheres. Of course, you can get your hands on this item pack on whatever platform you’ve been playing on.
Monster Hunter World originally launched on January 26th, 2018. Now, we’re staring down the barrel of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, which will be the game’s one and only expansion, and is coming out on September 9th this year. It’s going to offer a ton of new stuff, including a new ecosystem, called Hoarfrost Reach, with a new headquarters. On top of that, you can look forward to a new story arc / chapter, brand new monsters, and more. We’ll be sure to cover it when it does release.