MHR Light Crystal Locations Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Rise light crystals are a crafting material that you’ll need for, among other things, making certain armors and weapons. So, a number of people are bound to ask where to find light crystals in MH Rise. The material is not exactly on every corner; it only drops from very specific sources. We’ll explain things in detail in our MHR Light Crystal Locations Monster Hunter Rise guide.

Where to Find Monster Hunter Rise Light Crystal Locations
To find light crystal locations in Monster Hunter Rise, you need to visit the mining outcrops in Flooded Forest (locations in the screenshots below). Both blue and white outcrops have a chance of dropping some light crystal, but it seems like white ones have a higher chance of netting you what you need. Funnily enough, if you play higher-rank quests, the outcrops seem to actually give you less light crystals, as the drop rates of Novacrystals increase. So, if you’re out specifically for light crystals, it may be better to play lower-rank quests.
So, that’s where you find the light crystal locations in MHR. Some of you might be wondering what the big deal about this material is in the first place. Well, it is a necessary component in crafting several weapons and armors. As far as weapons go, you need these crystals to craft things like the Kamura Iron Bow V, Mud Shot I, and Felyne Bow I. When it comes to armor, you can make Ingot Greaves, Rathian Helm, Basarios Vambraces, Wroggi Mail, Kulu-Ya-Ku Helm, and Almudron Helm with light crystals.
That’ll about do it when it comes to MHR light crystal locations, and what you can use Monster Hunter Rise light crystals for. We’ve got a number of other MH Rise guides for you to check out, like Eroded Skeleton Locations, Dragonhusk Shard Location, Boatshells & Wisplanterns Locations for Submarine in Cultural Exchange, and more. We think you might find them useful.