Hide Helmet in Monster Hunter Rise
Hiding your helmet in MHR is a simple mechanic that’s a part of a system that lets you make certain parts of your gear invisible. Not only can you hide your helmet in MH Rise, but you can also do that with your chest armor, leg armor, and even weapons. However, it seems that the Monster Hunter Rise helmet is the “biggest offender,” in the sense that really people want to know how to make it invisible. With that in mind, we’ve put together our Hide Helmet in Monster Hunter Rise guide to hopefully help you out.

How to Hide Helmet in Monster Hunter Rise
To hide your helmet in Monster Hunter Rise, go into the village and access the Item Box. It’s right around the corner from Hinoa the Quest Giver, next to the Buddy Board, for those of you just joining us. Once in the Item Box menu, select the Manage Equipment tab. Then, scroll down and select Equipment Display. In the next menu, you’ll have several options – Weapons, Head, Chest, Arms, Waist, and Legs. If they have an eyeball icon next to them, they’re visible. So, select whichever piece of equipment you want to hide, and select it in this menu. The eye icon should disappear, and it’ll become invisible. In the case of the helmet, select “Head,” obviously.
And there you have it, that’s how you hide your helmet in Monster Hunter Rise. It’s easy, but it is in a weird place that you’d never really think of looking in. Anyways, if you need help with something else in the game, we’ve got a growing pile of MH Rise guides for you to check out. To name just a few, we’ve written Warm Pelt Locations – Sub Camp 2 Materials, How to Upgrade Kinsect, and Meaty Hide Locations – Slay Zamite – Sub Camp 1 Materials.
bro, thank ya! I thought that was bug that leg keep wear that what I don’t want, that make me annoying! until I seen that post.. YOU ARE HOPEFUL. and yes, excuse my stupid brain. Cheers!