How to Get Afflicted Fang Sunbreak MHR
If you need to know how to get the Afflicted Fang in MHR Sunbreak, we’ve got your back. It is a valuable and rare material that you won’t have access to until you get pretty far along in the DLC. You’ll need it to upgrade some weapons to their maximum Rarity levels. That’s why, in this guide, we’ll show you how to get Afflicted Fangs in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.

How to Get Afflicted Fang in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
To get the Afflicted Fang in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, or MHR Sunbreak, you have to go on Anomaly Quests and hunt down Afflicted Monsters. Anomaly Quests are basically the endgame of Sunbreak, meaning that you won’t be able to access them until you finish the main story quests. So, don’t even worry about them until you get to that stage of the game. Incidentally, the endgame is also when you get access to Master Rank Layered Armor and the Outfit Voucher+ tokens. You can read more about that in our Unlock Master Rank Layered Armor Sunbreak guide.
Once you do gain access to Anomaly Quests and Afflicted Monsters, you will have to break pieces off of them and/or carve them up in order to have a chance to get any Afflicted material. since we’re talking about how the Afflicted Fang in MHR Sunbreak specifically, it seems that it drops chiefly from Barioth, Garangolm, Nargacuga and Magnamalo. If there are other monsters that provide the fang, let us know in the comments below. Incidentally, the Afflicted Monsters are pretty easy to spot, since they have those ominous red particles surrounding them.
As for why the Afflicted Fang is even necessary, well, it’s a necessary material in crafting certain items. Namely, you will need it to upgrade certain weapons to Rarity 10. You’ll also have to have it to craft certain decorations at the Smithy. I’ll let you discover what they are on your own.