MH Rise Crimson Glow Valstrax Armor, Weaknesses & Material Drops
Crimson Glow Valstrax is a new enemy in Monster Hunter Rise, and players are wondering about the usual stuff, such as the armor you can get from it, its weaknesses, material drops, and so on. Understandable, considering that the Valstrax is a formidable enemy that you have to approach carefully. That’s why we’ve put together our MH Rise Crimson Glow Valstrax Armor, Weaknesses & Material Drops guide. In it, we’ll show you what armor you can get from the new beastie, some tips on how to beat it, and which materials it drops.

Crimson Glow Valstrax Armor in Monster Hunter Rise
There are five Crimson Glow Valstrax armor pieces that you can get in MH Rise. All of them come with special skills, which include Dragonheart, Weakness Exploit, Resentment, and Resuscitate. If you gather and equip all five pieces, you can get Dragonheart up to level five, and the other three skills will get up to level 3. You can find a list of the pieces and the skills they grant you below.
- Valstrax Helm – Weakness Exploit Lv. 1, Dragonheart Lv. 1
- Valstrax Mail – Resuscitate Lv. 2, Dragonheart Lv. 1
- Valstrax Braces – Weakness Exploit Lv. 2, Dragonheart Lv. 1
- Valstrax Coil – Resentement Lv. 1, Resuscitate Lv. 1, Dragonheart Lv. 1
- Valstrax Greaves – Resentement Lv. 1, Dragonheart Lv. 1
MH Rise Crimson Glow Valstrax Weaknesses – How to Beat Valstrax
To beat Crimson Glow Valstrax in MH Rise efficiently, you need to know its weaknesses. First of all, you need to know that it’s equally vulnerable to all elemental effects aside from Dragonblight; it’s completely immune to it. Other than that, you should use slicing and blunt weapons. Target the head, the wingarms, and the neck for best damage outpost. Slicing the tail is a good idea (you also get an extra carve for cutting it off), as is breaking the wings with blunt force. This prevents the monster from using some of its stronger attacks.
Two more useful things to keep in mind. One, try and position yourself around its front legs when attacking head-on. This helps avoid the majority of the wing attacks, which are very strong. Second, when the beast starts charging energy in its chest, deal damage to it as fast as you can. If you pull it off correctly, it’ll combust while still inside, dealing damage and knocking the Valstrax down. Be careful; you don’t want to find yourself in the path of those breath attacks.
MH Rise Valstrax Material Drops List
There are nine different material drops that you can get from Monster Hunter Rise Crimson Glow Valstrax, either as drops, targeting certain body parts, breaking parts, carving rewards, the usual. You’ll find them all in the list below. If we’ve missed anything, by all means let us know in the comments.
- Crimson Liquid: Target, broken part, or dropped material reward
- Dragon Treasure: Dropped material reward
- Gleaming Shell: Target, broken part, carving, or dropped material reward
- Red Serpent Orb: Target, broken part, carving, or dropped material reward
- Rogue Spikewing: Carving reward
- Shimmering Scale: Target, broken part, carving, or dropped material reward
- Valstrax Claw: Target, broken part, or carving reward
- Valstrax Spineshell: Target or broken part reward
- Valstrax Tail: Carving reward from cutting off the tail